Yes, this girly is no longer a con virgin. c:
Yesterday, I spent 13 hours at a convention called "Anime St. Louis." Maybe you've heard of it? xD Anyways, I only ended up going to two panels and one showing, but I still had a blast regardless. 8D
Now begins the obligatory high/low points. c:
High Point 1: BEING THERE. Seriously, being in that place was like being in a world of win. 8D I saw about seven pokemon gijinkas (including my Lugia buddy), an actual fursuiter (8D), and just a massive sea of nerds. It was the most amazing experience, and it was like the place carried an energy and aura of it's own. It was like nothing I'd ever experienced before.
High Point 2: THIS PERSON:
BlondeClutz19 She and her friends did a Tales of the Abyss Group Cosplay. 8D Holy shit, MADE MY CON. (Until the guest star, but more on that later.) Seriously, seeing her and her friends made me SO HAPPY. I showed off the pictures I got of them to EVERYONE. XD
High Point 3: EPIC GAMES OF NINJA. About a dozen of them, to be nowhere near exact. Including one where I got accidentaly smacked in the boob. It was funny, and I didn't really mind- he apologized immediately, the look on his face was priceless, and he voted himself out on techincality right afterwards. It made the day interesting, and possibly more awkward. But meh.
HP4: ARTIST/DEALER'S ALLEY. Epic win. Enough said. c:
Guess who it was.
TROY BAKER. Yes, people... Troy Baker. Yuri, Snow, Abel, Kanji... The list goes on and on. He was delayed six hours by a low point you get to read about later. BUT HOLY SHIT. 8D It was SO MUCH FUN. He yelled "STEEL GUARD" for us, talked about everything, and kept the room laughing almost the entire time. (To anyone who attended the panel: "Apple juice!") I was laughing the whole time, and he actually pointed me out at one point because I was filming for the first five or so minutes. He was talking and then just... "...and she is filming this ENTIRE thing and it is CREEPING ME OUT." I laughed and turned off the camera, since I was out of time anyways. c: TOTALLY THE BEST PART OF THE CON. (Notice everything that is "the best" is Tales related in some way~!)
HP6: PONYO. 8D One guy in the third row kept commenting on certain things, like how his mom is the WORST DRIVER EVER. Totally made the viewing. He kept making funny little jokes that made everyone laugh. I ended up semi being in charge of the remote and messing with things a little. That movie is ODD, by the way. T:
LOW POINT 1: TORNADO. Yup. There was a tornado touchdown in the area. c: We all got escorted into an area of the center and thrown there for about 15-20 minutes. My friends sang the Star Wars musical songs TWICE. Dx I got annoyed at that. :c This was what stopped Troy Baker from getting in in time. This is exactly how he opened the panel: "I ask for entertainment and they give me a TORNADO!" Everyone fell over laughing.
LOW POINT 2: THE NEXT DAY. I woke up this morning and could BARELY move. Dx I couldn't get up or anything. I am so goddamn sore it's not even funny. AND I DIDN'T EVEN REALLY SLEEP IN. DX I had so much stuff to do today, and then crap went downhill. It was soooo bad. :C
LOW POINT 3: ... There really isn't one. o.o
SO. I'm going to attempt cosplaying Rita Mordio from Tales of Vesperia next year. c: Possibly going to do her Seeker outfit instead of her standard one. What do you guys think? 8D?