Vocaloid: Tokyo Cyber Detectivesklinanime on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/klinanime/art/Vocaloid-Tokyo-Cyber-Detectives-377323650klinanime

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klinanime's avatar

Vocaloid: Tokyo Cyber Detectives



I only got a few more in my system, I think.

In this one, in addition to the well known Crypton vocaloids (Miku, Rin/Len, and Megurine Luka) are the two most well-known from Internet Co, Gakupo (purple) and Gumi (green) as well as IA (light pink). I'm not sure who made IA.

Tokyo Cyber Detectives: [link]

All the vocaloids on the board can attack the king. Can you guess which pieces they are? :)
(hint: Luka and Gumi are on diagonals, but, y'know, composition posing)
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Hitman-2020's avatar
Dayum I knew one of them was gonna kill a fool sooner or later!