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a.k.a. little hellion hatstealer, bc i love epithets but am super bad at coming up with them ((((:
I have a Drabble for this kid! It‘s ancient and silly and was written in like, under an hour but sometimes you have to be self-indulgent
unsorted randomness bc i never felt like sorting out a profile for her:
© One Piece belongs to Oda
© Gwyndolyn is mine. So are the artworks of her on this profile. Do not repost, trace, or otherwise misuse my work. Based on an adoptable by Didgeredoos
I have a Drabble for this kid! It‘s ancient and silly and was written in like, under an hour but sometimes you have to be self-indulgent
unsorted randomness bc i never felt like sorting out a profile for her:
- minnow fishgirl. Perks that come along with being a “lowly“ and “common“ fish-people: Retains strength and speed of the fishmen, is rather small (1,55) and slim and thus a faster and more dexterous swimmer, and her markings/oddities are faint and for the most part easily covered or passed as tattoos – should nobody look too closely, she passes as human.
- freckles
- Kleptomaniac, it gets her into trouble constantly.
- It's the reason she's so far away from home: Her parents run a postal/delivery service, common, grounded but well-respected despite poor people, and Gwen was a delivery girl that did her job well and fast, and was thought of very affectionately – until she started secretly taking things one day she thought pretty, and didn't stop. When she was caught, she promised to better herself, but to no avail. The people grew to dislike and chase her away, shunning her, and the dislike was eventually projected unto her parents. Gwen couldn't stand that, and took on an incredibly long distance delivery (the person was a little shady, but she’s not paid to ask questions) to take the shame/attention away, her missteps wouldn't be able to get back to the people, and she might be able to a good job again. Once far away, she didn't feel like going back at all, the sea and world above was exciting and there were so many pretty things.
- If anyone comes near her still-to-be-delivered package, she goes quite feral trying to protect it. Her pride of delivery girl rests on it.
- Her favorite thing to steal are, in fact, hats. Humans have so much more and pretty hats.
- Has 18 siblings. She's one of the easily forgotten siblings, since she's little and a minnow on top of it. She made up for the tendency to get overlooked by being loud and noticeable. On the other hand, it taught her how to duck away and disappear in a crowd. She was always surrounded by people and so she's very uncomfortable on her own.
- Teenager that hasn't seen her family in years. She thinks they are better off without her troublesome self, but gets homesick occasionally. Since she needed to fend for herself now, her kleptomania naturally hasn't dwindled the slightest.
- Her poor background caused a notable accent in her speech.
- Street smart. Perks of being a thief: She watches people intently, and her intuition is nothing to scoff at. Coming around on the Grand Line, she has gathered quite the amount of random and valuable information.
- Can memorize adresses and landmarks really well.
- Can be difficult to shut up sometimes (read: impossible, all the time). Loves to hide among a crowd and yelling out stuff while hiding behind backs and stealing wallets.
- Her actual fighting skills are low; she has the fortunate physical benefits of fish-people, but knows nothing of fishman-karate. But she is not to be underestimated: She trips people, distracts them, darts above/over/around, and before they know it they're on the floor, groaning. She's better in places on solid ground due to utilizing any- and everything from the surroundings in a fight, but would be superior to most humans underwater.
- Sachi and Penguin are stuck with teaching her some actual martial arts, captain's orders. She wanted Bepo to be her teacher. They're all sulking.
- She loves the pipe-ceilings of the sub, and actually clambers along the ceiling to get from point A to point B. Gets the kick out of getting the literal drop on people. And stealing and hoarding their hats. Their hat collection has increased significally since she joined.
- The kind of teen that kidnappers want to give back without ransom.
- She happened upon the crew in a tight spot - she stole from the wrong fishmen and ended up as bait for their seaking-hunt: A highly profitable feat in that part of the Grand Line, that has a population of small seakings. The Heart Pirates were low on supplies and money, and as their navigator Bepo became interested in the disturbance underneath the sub. He ended up taking Gwyn up to his captain when she promised to get them a way for money and supplies. Gwyn adored the bear and the sub, and while causing some headaches, did help them by being an excellent look-out and fast&willing bait for a profitable seaking-hunt. She also had some for Law very interesting rumors to tell, and so he kept her despite the crew's groaning; but her usefulness outdo her downsides.
- (In all actuality, though, she is incredibly loyal to and protective of the crew and her captain: Not only did they save her in what she knows was a stupid yet deadly situation, but they took her in, faults and all, not shunning her the slightest for her condition; it's an actual benefit for them - but they don't encourage it, even reprimand her when she steals from strangers (though only because they have to deal with the fallout).)
© One Piece belongs to Oda
© Gwyndolyn is mine. So are the artworks of her on this profile. Do not repost, trace, or otherwise misuse my work. Based on an adoptable by Didgeredoos
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© 2018 - 2025 Klexenia
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