KlaineLovers's avatar


Years Ago

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Octochutney's avatar

The Escalation of One’s Mind!

“I wanna be a body builder,” said Rachel, kissing her pewnular muscles.

“Umm… okay?” replied Kurt, his eyebrows twitching as he thought of Rachel as a bodybuilder.

“I GOT YOU APRIL FOOLS!” Rachel screeched

“Oh, what it’s not April fools, that’s tomorrow.”

As he said this Blaine and Quinn came out of the bathroom, their bras covering their eyes!

“Well, that escalated quickly. By the way, what size booby are you two?” Kurt said.

“The much tiny size” Blaine replied fondling with his tiny man-booby.

“My size is over 9000, what size are your’s, kurt?” Quinn (Lucy) said going to fondle with Blaine's man-boobs.

“Yes” said Kurt 

Santana then teleported the heckle into the choir room

“Without my implants my boobulars are smaller than the average hedgehog and Blaine’s put TOGETHER!, but with surgery they have reached maximum capacity, they are the WORLDS BIGGEST BOOBS!”

Octochutney's avatar
Does Anyone Like Dis'
Ivillr's avatar
goodness no!

Octochutney's avatar
I love you too IVILLR!!!!
Annanonyma's avatar
Hey :). May I ask why it is only possible to submit to the featured folder? Thank you :)
DarkDivaLocura's avatar
Just saw the Finn episode, let me just say i cried watching that more than i've cried watching any other show or movie.
Leonardo-D-Fans's avatar
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