A Short Favourites Feature by SnowInHades, journal
A Short Favourites Feature
Hi everyone.
I hope you enjoy this fantastic variety of traditional and digital art that I favoured last week. :thumb379617368:
I meant to make a Halloween journal but life has been going rather faster than I would like. I will spare you all the details but let's just say today I plan to nap ALL DAY! My health is still a mess but I am adjusting to it and learning to work around it in ways I didn't think were possible. However a new side affect has presented itself that I cannot handle, I am cold all the time, to my bones. Its crazy! But that is why I decided on this feature. My cold chills have made me extremely happy about the pets I have in the house. My cats both help me stay warm and my Corgi Mix, Bacon is a huge snuggle bug. As I did this feature I noticed I h...
My Daily Deviation Highlights by RogueMudblood, journal
My Daily Deviation Highlights
So I haven't worked up a skin for this one yet. It's been almost seven weeks since @mrs-durden tagged me for this project, so I can only extend my apologies to her, and I hope that you all enjoy the selection below.First, four pieces that I've suggested to receive the feature that were chosen by the CVs: And as I haven't caught up on my reading yet for the ones that have been featured for the last couple of months, I'll include other literature DDs from within the last year that I loved: And now for the visual arts For the purposes of this journal, all visual pieces will be from the week of July 12 - 18 2015
Thank you for viewing my page. Please feel free to browse my gallery and provide any feedback or critique you may have as I am always looking for ways to improve and new ideas to try. I appreciate every comment, favourite and watch.
Please note that my images are not to be used anywhere without my express permission. This includes Tumblr, any horse games, facebook, photo manipulations etc. If I find any of my work on any sites without my permission, I will be reporting the image to get it taken down. You are more than welcome to use my photos as drawing references, please leave a link to your finished artwork so I can +fav it.