Nice to Meet You! kiwile3 on DeviantArt

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Nice to Meet You!



Zephyr Breeze’s POV

I swung my head to get a few stray hairs out of my face as I made my way down to Fluttershy’s cottage. I flew in from Cloudsdale to see what the ‘big surprise’ Fluttershy had for me was. Hopefully it‘s some cash; I’m still living with my parents, but when I bring the ladies over I just tell them my parents are crashing at my place. That usually gets an “Aw, you’re so sweet!” from them and they wanna climb into my bed even more.

I landed in front of my sister’s cozy little home and knocked on the door with one hoof. I wasn’t even waiting there for a minute when the door swung open and I was greeted by an excited “Zephyr!” and pulled into a tight hug. “Sup sis. You said you got a surprise for me?” I asked casually. “Yes!” She squeaked excitedly. “Come on in! There’s somepony I want you to meet...” She led me into the dimly lit cottage, and as I closed the door behind me, I noticed a pair of glowing red eyes in the corner. I knew my sister was a fan of animals, but what kind of animal was she hosting in her home that could be as horrifying as the blood red eyes in front of me? Then it occurred to me; maybe whatever was in the corner *wasn’t* one of Fluttershy’s many pets. What if it was a killer pony who had broken in? I decided I better warn her. Shakily reaching out to touch her shoulder, I began “F-Flutters, y-you see that, r-right?” I asked, motioning towards the eyes. Without giving her a chance to respond, the creature leapt out from corner and directly at me, baring it’s teeth and extending it’s killer claws. I shrieked and backed up against the door, squeezing my eyes shut and covering my chest with my front legs. “Don’t hurt me!!” I yelled, eyes still sealed shut.

“Um.. Zephyr?” I felt Fluttershy tap me gently and I opened my eyes to see the beast’s ugly snout right near my own. I barely breathed as I stared directly into it’s red irises. “This is Discord!” She chirped. The beast, still extending its claws and baring it’s teeth, spoke. “Nice to meet you!” It took a minute for me to process that the creature wasn’t baring its teeth, it was *similing* and it wasn’t exposing its claws, it was extending its arm for a hoofshake. “Hehe. Zephyr.” I stated uncomfortably as I hesitantly reached out a hoof for him to shake. “Discord is my fiancé. We’re getting married in three months. I just wanted to let you know that you’re invited to the wedding! And of course, I felt you two had to meet before the ceremony.” Fluttershy stated happily.

I felt like I couldn’t breathe. So much information was being given to me and I had a bit of a hard time processing it. My sister was getting married in three months? I had always thought she’d end up single forever with a dozen cats or something. I had a bet going with a few buddies of mine, looks like I’d have to ask my folks for money to pay them. Not only was Flutters getting married, but she was getting married to whatever the hell was standing in front of him. What *was* it? It looked like a Frankenstein’s monster gone horribly wrong; an abomination of the world. Fluttershy had to be messing with him. Though it did make sense that the pony she was getting married to was a weirdo like him. I mean, she couldn’t get a *real* man. Looks like she‘s settling.

“Zeph?” Fluttershy waved a hoof in front of my face and brought me back to reality. “Hm? Yeah uh, I was just.. thinking.” I cleared my throat awkwardly and looked back at *Discord*. “Hey uh Fluttershy, can we talk?” “Oh well of course Zephyr I’d-“ Before she could finish, I shoved her into the kitchen where we could talk privately. “Are you serious?” I nearly yelled. “What do you mean?” She asked while raising a brow. “*HIM*? Is this a joke?” Fluttershy’s confused expression turned angry. “No it’s not a joke! That stallion out there is the love of my life! You need to show him the respect he deserves! Shame on you for judging somepony solely on appearance!” She stamped her hooves and snorted in my face. “But Flutters I-“ “I should’ve know better than to share this part of my life with you. Especially considering how you’ve been so busy with your own I’m not even in yours!” She said with tears beginning to form in her eyes, but the anger in her voices and brows shows her anger. I opened my mouth to explain myself, or maybe to apologize, I’m not sure, but Fluttershy cut me off. “No Zephyr! This conversation is *over*.” She stamped away back into the family room, and I could hear her distant apologies to her fiancé, excusing herself and me for the yelling. I sat staring at the floor for a bit, feeling kinda.. bad, about how I’d been avoiding Fluttershy. I mean I only came to visit cause I thought she had something for me. And when I *did* show up, I *kinda* insulted her future husband...

I slowly got up and peeled through the frame and into the family room to see Fluttershy holding Discord’s head in her hooves and stroking his short hair. She was so gentle with him, so.. caring and kind. Though they didn’t say anything, I could *feel* their love from across the room. I understood that if anyone could love a creature such as Discord.. it was Fluttershy.

“Hey uh..” I slowly walked into the room, my head low to the ground in shame. “I’m... sorry, Flutters.” I looked her in the eyes sadly, but her expression remained nonchalant. “And you too... Discord.” I said, not meeting his eyes. I looked up to see the two look into each other’s eyes as if speaking without words, before seemingly coming to an agreement. She let go of him and he returned to his original height, while she turned to face me. She stared at me for a minute before hugging me. I could hear her beginning to cry and feel her shoulders shake as I held her. “I missed you Zephyr.” She whispered. Not gonna lie, I was on the verge of tears myself so I quickly broke away before any could fall. “Ugh, yeah.” I said while wiping my nose and not looking at Fluttershy. She giggled and I looked back at her to see her red puffy eyes, though shining with joy. I smiled back at her; I was happy for her. She was starting a new chapter of her life, and this time, I’d make sure I was a part of it.


Fluttershy, Discord and Zephyr Breeze (c) Hasbro
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© 2019 - 2025 kiwile3
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DrawingJules's avatar
LOL beautiful expression on Zephyr XD