QamarKiwiChameleon on DeviantArt

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KiwiChameleon's avatar




I rather would like to write the title as قمر, but I guess DA won't let me... well, it doesn't even support exclamation marks, so I doubt very much that it'll support Arabic letters. :XD:
Qamar is a priest in the town, in which he grew up in and appears reserved to most people. Anyway, Qamar/ قمر is his name. He is a new character and I had this image of his in my head (plus the universe he lives in), though this is more of a concept, but quite close to what he is like in my head. His constitution isn't the best health wise, while he suffers from OCR3 (oculocutaneous albinism type 3), which is rare in his humanoid species and severely frowned upon. This 'disease' is also the cause of his bad eyesight in bright light, so he carries sunglasses with him all the time and uses his head scarf to cover his eyes. Generally he is more on the frail side in terms of body shape.

Also a miracle happened when I finished this picture: I actually like it. °-° Not sure how that happened... :O_o: I usually never like what I just drew and it rarely happens for me to like something I drew right after finishing it.

Some people might already have recognised the image (only those, who read my journal entries that is ;P). Yes, it's the one to which I wrote a tutorial. I know most people couldn't care less what I write in my journal, so here are the tutorial parts again. Now you can't say I didn't tell you. ò_ó

Analogous Colour Scheme part 1 [link] | part 2 [link] | part 3 [link] | part 4 [link] | part 5 [link]

...yes, yes, colour theory, markers, colouring and so on.

Tools: Copic multiliner (0.05 + 0.1 sepia, 0.2 orange + wine red), Neopiko Line-2 (0.1 warm grey), Kuretake Mangaka 01 liner 0.1 light blue, Copic marker, Letraset marker, Kuretake marker, Polychromos, Dr. Ph. Martin's pen white
Image size
933x1299px 1.35 MB
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sweetsugariness's avatar
The colors are amazing ♥