Art dump Tumblr and bUsy

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Kittychan2005's avatar

Art Dump warning-1 by Kittychan2005
Finally found the time to be on my Computer and not just make posts from my phone/camera ((I do that on Tumblr, tumblt app is pretty useful to someone who is busy all the time))

So in others words I got around to scanning some of the many drawings I’ve been drawing every day (couldn’t scan them all in there are just too many so Had to be a little picky witch ones I get to scan in) also going to try and clean up my art blog on Tumblr @misskittyalanaart​ if I can) not a lot of time now took me so long just to scan in and fix up the drawings today @-@

So here I’m going to give you an Art dump warning there will be a lot of it I’m going to try to post now before my time runs out ^_^

Anyway been hype for the new Pokemon Sun and Moon that's coming out as well the next Yo-Kai Watch Games but the wait is killing me ;_;

Anyway I got to post these arts while I still have one of the cats sitting in my lap <3

gah so many things happening here as of late bearly have time for the computer ^^;

And Thank you for all the watches and faves they do mean the world to me, also must say thank for the nice comments some of you leave as well ^_^

This is

~ Alana Felicity Bochmann
A.K.A. Kittychan2005 / Miss Kitty

Sighing out =P (Razz)

TMNT MissKitty TransformersJazz other Universes by Kittychan2005
Colourful drawings by Kittychan2005

© 2016 - 2025 Kittychan2005
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Delcatycharme's avatar
I love how you have drawn Miss Kitty in different styles =) All of the characters you draw are very adorable ^=^~