Kittychan2005's avatar


Alana Miss Kitty
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Ninja Llama: Llamas are awesome! (652)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Snowball: Someone likes you, and it’s snow joke! (25)
My Bio

An Aussie gal with a German Background =P (Razz) ((Who also likes to take the form or a magical flying cat call Miss Kitty))

Likes to Draw and dream up characters with stories to go with them or make things

Loves to have a job that's creative and could use the art skills I have!

FaceBook -

Tumblr the personal The Artblog I have a Twitter now go figure

DeviantArt -

Current Residence: Australia =p (Razz)
deviantWEAR sizing preference: small
Favourite style of art: Anime/Manga Cartoon
MP3 player of choice: Ipod Nano
Favourite cartoon character: I have to many favs cartoon/Anime characters to list =P (Razz)

Favourite Movies
How to Train your Dragon X-Men 1st Class Spiderman Green Lantern
Favourite TV Shows
BBC Sherlock The Avengers Young Justice and Freakazoid
Favourite Books
Wonder Cats, Keys to the Kingdom and Dragon stories
Favourite Writers
(Too many to list here)
Favourite Games
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS2 -PS3 or nintendo 3DS
Tools of the Trade
Markers Pens Pencils Adobe Photoshop
Other Interests
Anime/Manga Cartoons/Comics Books Cats Australia wildlife Dragons, Curious George
💕💀🎀🎂🐾🍭🍬🌺💖❤️💜🌸🍩🖊✏️ sorry I've not been on my DA at all much just been super busy, I had my birthday, went as Mimikyu (from Pokemon sun and moon) for Sydney Smashcon 2016Work has been driving me nuts and then there's a trip to Perth to visit a friend in October so yeah life has me busy but I have been drawing every day just had no time to scan them all in to upload any to my DA but there are photos of all my drawings on my art blog on tumblr (look up misskittyalanaart on tumblr your sure to find my art blog that I update a photo of drawings I do every day)Still looking forward to the Pokemon sun and moon and the next Yo-Kai watch game 💕Also ...
anonymous's avatar
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Finally found the time to be on my Computer and not just make posts from my phone/camera ((I do that on Tumblr, tumblt app is pretty useful to someone who is busy all the time)) So in others words I got around to scanning some of the many drawings I’ve been drawing every day (couldn’t scan them all in there are just too many so Had to be a little picky witch ones I get to scan in) also going to try and clean up my art blog on Tumblr @misskittyalanaart​ if I can) not a lot of time now took me so long just to scan in and fix up the drawings today @-@ So here I’m going to give you an Art dump warning there will be a lot of it I’m going to try...
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 So It's the Year of the monkey lets hope it'll be a good one, So much I has to do this year, I have to save money ((witch makes it hard to do when there are cool geek things out there one wishes to get but then you remember you have to save money =C ))But not to worry I'm still keeping up My goal to Draw every day just not all the drawing end up on my DA account, they do end up on FB and tumblr so if you want to see artwork from me May I sir-jest cheaking out my Tumblr art blog - is it this way you ask well DA doesn't really take well from posting from ones phone (the app sucks for that) and I don'...
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limaneko's avatar

Nya, hello kittychan (Kitty megahug for you) I know you haven't been active on Deviantart since 2017 so you probably won't read this message but... I want to know if you're okay. You seem very friendly and your drawings are great!

In your description you put other accounts but none of them seem to have had any activity for a long time. Your twitter account is inactive and one of your tumblr accounts I think has been hijacked by a furniture company O.O

Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I'm a little scared that something happened to you, because lately every time I discover someone on the internet that I think is great, I find out that something really bad happened to them and I really hope that it doesn't be the case.

I know that we don't know each other and maybe that I write all this seems strange to you but I wish with all my heart that you are safe TT.TT (Limaneko starts to cry)

19simons's avatar
Hey,do you take requests?
wanying-chan's avatar
Your art so cute! Heart 
Ultra-Shounen-Kai-Z's avatar
Msartgoff7's avatar
Hey Kittychan2005,
It's me Msartgooff7 again! How are you?

Rember you said about people like us being toon by toon?
I just watched a Bonkers episode when Luck gets tooned , not only Bonkers said about toon rub off on humans but also he said that being tooned is temporary.

But how dose Ammie kept being tooned everyday in her life?
Kittychan2005's avatar
She lives with toons and grew up in toon town and is being raised by toons that would rub off on her all the time she's been around toons for as long as she remembers
Msartgoff7's avatar
But what happens if the toonedt wears off on her?