Robo CrosserKitty-cat-Fox on DeviantArt

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Robo Crosser

Object  RobotObject  unicycle


As you may know I'm the Jetix guy cause I got the No context Jetix account and I someone tagged in a tweet from a canceled media account that there was a lost/canceled/unreleased anime planed to air on Jetix announced at the 2008 Tokyo International Anime Fair with the intended broadcast window being spring 2009.

The plot was about a pre-teen boy and his unicycle robot wanting to win a motorcycle race. I'd assume it's a little more expansive than that like maybe a Grand Prix or maybe a ranked on-going tournament to be the best. It was 
silently cancelled for unknown reasons & all that exist from it since 2008 are some promotional stuff like the Booth and a screenshot of the trailer & some storyboards from 2004 archived from the anime studio Telecom's website although they weren't properly archived.

I really hope someone from the lost media community decides to cover Robo Crosser and P.X.G another lost Jetix show that was basically the Kid friendly version of X-play which is really juicy and I feel like it's a gold mine lost media YouTubers are just oblivious of. 

There wasn't a whole lot of reference material to go off of for these two currently unnamed characters, like 3 images and the robot is only in two, but I think I did a great job. If this came out in 2009 I would have likely watched the crap out of it.…
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