You Can Charge for Kisekae Adopts (Clearing Up!) by poppies-and-oleander, journal
You Can Charge for Kisekae Adopts (Clearing Up!)
Hey buds! I know the consensus for the dA Kisekae community is that Pochi doesn't want you charging points or money for works using Kisekae. But that's actually not true! Recently, Pochi has made an Enty page (basically Japanese Patreon), and on the download for the official offline Kisekae, it's listed that commercial use is allowed!Here's a link to his Enty page, please support him if you can!!
How to download the Kisekae program by IOWAisms, journal
How to download the Kisekae program
So, a lot of people still use the Flash version on the website, and I've seen people express concern about the removal of Flash from browsers taking Kisekae down with it. So, I'll provide a link to some guides on installation. They're in Japanese, but the translations provided by Google are coherent enough for the instructions to be followed.I can provide answers to questions if need be! Downloading, installing, and updating using Adobe Air: The program itself: Switch between all ages and R18:
Does anybody have any ideas about how to pose characters for a piggyback ride? I am trying to create an image where a kid is being carried in this way and I am struggling to figure it out.