midwinter river [exchange]
the hardened earth of mud and broken ice
lurks just below a soft blanket of snow
so every winter's beauty has its price
as each poor creature there should surely know
a frozen river's water now is still,
where once it rippled, carefree and serene
its scratched surface now provides a thrill
of cold, faint cracks along the surface seen
but now - a smooth brown shape along the shore
and quick, though paws break through the icy shell
it dives, through hidden hole not seen before
and seems to laugh, dispelling winter's spell
the otters in this frozen world still play
and promise us that spring is on its way
52 deviations
midwinter river [exchange]
the hardened earth of mud and broken ice
lurks just below a soft blanket of snow
so every winter's beauty has its price
as each poor creature there should surely know
a frozen river's water now is still,
where once it rippled, carefree and serene
its scratched surface now provides a thrill
of cold, faint cracks along the surface seen
but now - a smooth brown shape along the shore
and quick, though paws break through the icy shell
it dives, through hidden hole not seen before
and seems to laugh, dispelling winter's spell
the otters in this frozen world still play
and promise us that spring is on its way
16 deviations
5 deviations
viviana and the serpent
It had been Viviana’s plan, and she regretted it. She stood on the sea-rock outcropping, balancing on her toes to ease the tension of the rope that was bound around her wrists.
It had been simple: lure in the thing that had been smashing their boats and stealing their catch. Her brother was hidden on the cliff above, spear at the ready. She had a dancer’s strength and grace, and he had an arm that never missed. It would be easy.
She had been standing there for an hour, and she wanted to scream. The sea was perfectly calm, not even a ripple, and the sun was starting to press its way onto her exposed skin.
She sighed, breathing in and out in an effort to cool her body. The point wasn’t to be perfectly barbecued, but she supposed it made her look even tastier.
“Careful, Vivi,” said Nerion, his voice drifting down to her. “It’s almost midday.”
She did a few half-hearted struggles and whimpers, like they had practiced, trying to appear like one of the fish they so rarely caught.
Creative Writing
23 deviations
FFM 24: hea today, pau tomorrow
Get one middle-of-da-night kine escapade, and get one majah fight ova da eggs.
“You wen brought too many!” Dat from John Boy, da youngest of Aunty Nani. One smallkine crybaby dat nevah like get in trouble.
“So? Mo bettah have too much den all pau awready.” Dylan and Hayden get one flat of eggs, da kine from one Sam’s Club.
“Ey, pau dis discussion. Steh for a while, den pick up an go. Dass how dis goin go. Mebbe trow one egg if we see da kine come out da hale.”
“Yes, boss.” Grumbler, dat kine. “But Ka’eo, wat if da kine no steh sked?”
Get one smile fo dat. “Ho, plenny ways fo come sked. Plenny ways fo cook one egg, too.”
Now it steh one whole hour since da kine stakeout, and da house nevah even turn on one light.
“Kay den.” Get voice in one whisper, now. “Time fo go home.”
“Aww. Can carry da kine eggs, Ka’eo?”
“Brah. No.” Get so many eggs, and Ka’eo nevah like carry. “Come on, use da kine muscles.”
Ka’eo start up da hill from da bushes wit John Boy right behind. John Boy
Flash Fiction Month
4 deviations
1 deviation