In response to your comment on your previous account, I will tell you about Xenoblade Chronicles.
Xenoblade Chronicles is an Action-JRPG for the Nintendo Wii. Its significance is that it's one of three Wii games originally not intended for release here in North America.
On June 11th, 2011, Nintendo of America announced they had no plans to release three Wii games in North America, even though all three games were fully translated into English and everything. The games are Xenoblade Chronicles, Pandora's Tower, and The Last Story. In response to this, a fan campaign known as Operation Rainfall was formed with the intention of convincing Nintendo of America to change their minds about their decision.
It took about half a year, but their efforts eventually paid off. Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story were released here in North America in April and August of 2013 respectively, and Pandora's Tower was announced in January for a release in North America (originally on March 26th, 2013, but has since been moved back to "Spring 2013").
In the days leading up to Xenoblade Chronicles' release, I've been trying to tell as many people as I could in hopes of spreading the word and boosting sales come launch day. Now, the game has been out for almost a year now, but since you've recently responded, here's your message. If you would like to see more of Operation Rainfall and Xenoblade Chronicles, here's some links.
Operation Rainfall's Website. ->
[link]Xenoblade Chronicles Trailer. ->
[link]Xenoblade Chronicles Review. ->
[link]By the way, I apologize if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way by just up and asking you about this just completely out of the blue. Again, just wanted to spread the word of this game. Sure, I could've just posted something on my page about it, but I felt I might not reach a lot of people that way, and that this would seem much more effective. Still, sorry for any discomfort on your part.
That said, let me know what you think of Operation Rainfall and Xenoblade Chronicles once you've seen the links, if you would like to that is.