Threnody RefKiRAWRa on DeviantArt

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KiRAWRa's avatar

Threnody Ref



An old, old OC of mine that finally gets to live again with some fresh art from the current decade!
Poor Threnody has been quite ignored for long enough. At one time, she was almost like a 2nd fursona, serving as a kind of "vent" character during my high school years. She's incredibly personal to me, but after moving away and getting my life stabilized, the need to draw her became less and less. I'm just not the angsty teenager I once was. 
Nowadays she really stands out as a perfect snapshot of that 2008-era gloomdog, undoubtedly a product of her time. She's a real relic and I honestly love her even more for it. Like a fine wine, she only gets better (and stinkier) with age.
[Toyhouse Link]

I'm genuinely curious to know if anyone here has followed me long enough to remember her last ref [from 2009]

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Image size
981x785px 1.28 MB
© 2019 - 2025 KiRAWRa
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