The PUSHER - Chap. 1 Page 9KiraShion on DeviantArt

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The PUSHER - Chap. 1 Page 9



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YESSA! It's just Monday (5 minutes to Tuesday, but it doesn't matter xD) and I've finished the 9th page. But that was necessary, because now I must study very hard for making up all what I lost staying home this week because of sickness, and if I wouldn't have finished this page before tomorrow (Midnight! ...Today xD) I wouldn't ended it until at least the next week, so I would have been late, and I don't really want it, my sense of duty would seriously disagree. u_u
Anyway, I fear next page will be very onward, I should submit it about the next Saturday/Sunday... Be patient :forgiveme:

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Dizzy-Possum's avatar
dear sorry bother you, but you wrote can take all together >.<