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Hold the line.
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (15)
My Bio

I am 25 years old (quarter century yeah baby) and wishes that I were traveling amongst the stars and saving the galaxy. In the meantime, I fulfilled my lifelong dream of studying abroad in Tokyo, and graduated with a B.A. in Japanese and Psychology. Next up is a trip around the world and going to Grad school while fitting it in Professional life. Now if I can help colonize Mars and retire on the Moon by the end of my life, I'll be good.

Current Residence: In My Imagination
Favourite genre of music: As long as it sounds good, anything.
Favourite photographer: Brittany :D (Big Grin) And EbonyMaiden
Operating System: Mac
MP3 player of choice: iPod Touch
Skin of choice: I'm not Buffalo Bill (don't ask; it just popped up).
Favourite cartoon character: Too many to list

Favourite Visual Artist
Mucha, Kaori Yuki, John William Waterhouse, Jhonen Vasquez
Favourite Writers
Ohba, JK Rowling, Anne Rice, Jhonen Vasquez, Victoria Thompson, Stephen King
Favourite Games
MASS EFFECT! Dragon Age, Batman: Arkham Asylum; Fallout 3
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox 360
Tools of the Trade
Usually Mechanical Pencils and Prism Color Pencils
Other Interests
Writing, Drawing, listening to music, reading, dancing, singing, hanging out with friends...
Greetings from the land that is my imagination,After months of being in a dry spell of creativity, I am now out of it.  Not sure how; has to do with Mass Effect.  I went to study abroad in Japan in April 2012 and got back in August 2012.  It was awesome, but I couldn't play video games.  And I was in Tokyo.  Seriously, the heart of EVERYTHING, and not one freaking cafe had an Xbox 360.  I went to a TON of gaming cafe's and asked if they had an Xbox 360, and the clerks never even heard of it.  They had PCs and PS3s though, but since all the games I brought were with Xbox, I couldn't play video games at all.  And somehow I still remained obs...
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I dunno WHO the heck would read this, and I'm probably talking to no one, but on the off chance someone is still reading my stuff, I'm back.  Those I've been watching, faved your stuff because it's awesome.  You're all awesome. New (AKA for the past seven months) obsession is Mass Effect.  It's brilliant.  I won't go into a rant of why because I'll fill the whole journal with it.  I think it's already apparent by the new deviation anyway, which is the first drawing I've done in MONTHS, thanks to college. That's pretty much all I have to say.  Kthnxbye. :)
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Dear lord, it looks like I'm obsessed with Kuroshitsuji right now.  Truth be told, Kuroshitsuji is currently battling Kamisama Hajimemashita and Yu Yu Hakusho for my attention, but who cares about that?  :iconsebastianplz:I have been gone for a long time, so I have to shift through literally 1000+ messages, so I apologize if I reply to you guys (if any still follow me) late.Animazement was awesome, though a lot smaller than I thought it would be, but I got to meet a lot of new people.Starting Junior year at a new University and moving into an apartment is making things hectic, but I'm not complaining.:iconAlois--Trancy::iconnotimpressedplz:
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Profile Comments 553

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ferret14uk's avatar
Thank you ever so much for all the fave's ^.^
BigMac1212's avatar
Happy birthday! :cake:
Lorcan0c's avatar
Thank you very much for watching me, much obliged :D
InverseReality-2's avatar
Welcome to the :iconbiowarefanclub:! As a member, you can post your own deviations to show off to fellow Group members (tutorial on how to submit old deviations: [link] ), create and submit blogs/news announcements, or suggest some of your favorite DA pieces here for inclusion in the Group favorites.

For art, we have a set of illustrated guidelines here: [link] For full submission rules, you can read the post here: [link]

We're working with a Livejournal Community on a couple BioWare Fan Projects: [link] with an archive library here: [link]

The projects are open to *all* BioWare fans, so please ping the moderators if you are interested. Thanks again for making our club even more awesome by joining, and I hope to hear from you soon. :)

Warm regards,
Woodbody's avatar
Kirasdream's avatar
Hheeeyyyy :). What's up. Wait, new id? Instant watch!