So it's been a long time, like a LONG time, since I've done anything with DA at all. It's actually kind of weird to have this account around, still. I think I want to keep it, but ... yeah. It's weird enough having samplings of my life from college forward floating around the interwebs; I can't quite imagine what it'd be like for people, say, 10-15 years younger than me to hit this point and find their entire lives have intersections with the online space here and there.
Anyway: so I mentioned, like, ten years ago that I got an agent for a novel I wrote. It didn't sell, sadly, and it took a very, very long time to not sell. I wrote some other stuff. Eventually I wrote something in a very different vein that turned into a Middle-Grade sci-fi adventure story stuffed with all the stuff I loved to read when I was, say, 11 or so. Last year (yes, nine years later), my agent started shopping that and sold it almost immediately. And it's going to be a real book in real stores this