KinkiRukku's avatar


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TheNinie's avatar
Hi! :3 I'm back o/
hahahahahaha I hope you have a happy birthday! :D
I don't really know what is the time in Russia, but I think is better write you right now xD

Enjoy it and again "¡Feliz cumpleaños! :3" Hahahahha
Eat a lot of cake and be happy! :D
KinkiRukku's avatar
I'm glad you're back! Recently, I also started to appear here less .... too much to do, and learning has become more complicated. This year I finish university ... ^ ^
Thanks for the compliments <3
For my birthday, I ate a giant cake: 3
Where have you been all this time, if I may ask? =)
TheNinie's avatar
Oh! that is awesome! :D I'm really happy for you :3
Well, I have been a little overwhelmed for my birthday xD yeah, I born on February too hahahha.

My life is so bored that I don't have something interesting to talk about xD hahhahahah

whatever! xD thanks for answer me and don't forget your little Venezuelan friend xd
KinkiRukku's avatar
In fact, life is full of colorful and interesting things, most often we just do not notice them =) cheer up and everything will be super fun ^ ^
Do not thank me for the answer, I'm very very nice to talk to you =)
And I will never forget the friends <3
TheNinie's avatar
Hi Kinki! :D How do you do?
KinkiRukku's avatar
Hi Ninie! I'm fine, the mood is getting better day by day, soon after the new year ^ ^
How are you? something interesting happened in the meantime?
Sorry it took so long to respond ... was a lot of education and other concerns.
TheNinie's avatar
Oh! Don't worry. I really understand your situation :3
Well, I so happy because in this new year I going to cosplay! yeah! hahahha. I will be "Poland" from Hetalia and I'm so nervous. I don't wanna be a bad cosplayer :S.

Whatever, hahhaa I really happy for your answer, too :D.
I would like to talk more xd If you can and If you want that.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year :3

Note: Sorry for my English, Kinki :(