The Angry Beavers: 10 Years LaterKingoftheJungle1988 on DeviantArt

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The Angry Beavers: 10 Years Later


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If you’ve ever wanted to know what’s happened to our Beaver brothers after their series ended, then here’s your more than satisfying answer.

After the events of “Shell or High Water” in July 19, 2001, the series came to a close. However, Norbert and Daggett still continued having their zany adventures behind the scenes when the cameras weren’t around. In February 14, 2007, Norbert finally proposed to his girlfriend of ten years named Treeflower and later had their wedding in April 19, 2007 and later had their honeymoon in May 2007. In September 28, 2007, Norbert and Treeflower gave birth to their daughters Lily and Petunia Beaver.

Here in this pic, Norbert and Treeflower share a sweet and tender moment together on the couch while their daughters are drawing a very adorable drawing with crayons. Home sweet dam.
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Jondude67's avatar

And then after the angry beavers ended, spongebob and its first episode premiered in 1999.