the story begins begins with a man named Fuga is fleeing for his life from a trio of sinister figures attacking him, who want the mysterious belt he is carrying that they say is “the key to opening the Door of Darkness”. Fuga rejects their claim, stating he created the belt to be the door that governs between life and death, “The Key of Hope”. He then defends himself from the trio by summoning strange creatures to his aid to fend off their attacks and then summons a train creature called Steamliner to escape to the “Ouroboros Realm”.
After escaping, Fuga stops at a train station and summons a series of cards that the monsters reside within, selecting Hopper1 to go with Steamliner to the human world.
“Go and find the one chosen by fate!”
Meanwhile, at a restaurant called Kitchen RAISU, a teenage boy named Johansan is making a custom bento box of Cucumber Hamburg Steak with Yuzu Pepper Mayonnaise, hoping