GawDayumYousunUgleeBebbehking-worm on DeviantArt

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Approx 10 x 7 inches. 100% ballpoint pen (not even a pencil sketch*... and it shows). All shading is crosshatched.
Updated AGAIN! with better scan and border/frame thingie
(Long time ago)
Updated with (what I hope is) a better scan.

Some people might remember this as 'Poprocks' (all 7 of you) from a couple years ago (named such since I didn't think I'd ever find the right tools to finish it, and the fact that I had a bag of Pop-Rocks lying around). Was used as a pen test piece afterwards, there were even periods of months (and one year) between sessions until I eventually gave up out of desperation (there's even a couple stab marks hidden in there from my more frustrated moments). More time was probably spent fighting with my tools on this than actually finishing the work, an hour here, an hour there, often with months or even a year in between; hence the inconsistent shading and poor composition (which I blame on the lack of initial sketch as noted above). It finally got delusions of grandeur after I found Zebra's F-301 0.7mm (hate the rest of their pens, especiall Z-Grips,  but the F-301's pure gold... er silver... ish).

I'm glad I finished it. It's not the biggest win in the world, but it's a win just the same and I needed it.

Don't know if or when I'll be doing another one of these, check back in another couple a years.
Image size
1250x1775px 3.36 MB
© 2016 - 2025 king-worm
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JDGr's avatar
Awesome, l love the Sci-fi creepy take on it and the amount of detail, as well as the baby expression! Reminds me of works from Jonathan Wayshack and Matrix first movie