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Augh, that last Project Plastic comic ([link])'s third page coloring was driving me crazy. It will get done, but for now I'll start posting Learn to be Lonely as a kind of break from it. This comic vignette (again, 10 pages) does not involve E (or Echo, as some of you may know her) or Iacov at all, since I felt that Falling [link]) and the colored comic in progress centered around them enough. This one is just about an unlikely friendship between two oddballs--Thea and Patch.
Page One is pretty self-explanatory, but page two will turn out to be a flashback to a few minutes before. You were going to learn that in two more pages anyway, so it's not really spoiling any sort of surprise.... And once I get the next two pages up, I'll start adding navigation links.
I put this in traditional art because, except for the cleanup, lettering, patterns, and minor flat coloring, it was done by hand. And believe me, that's a lot more hand-work than digital-work, so I'm putting it here!
“Learn to be Lonely” navigation:
Pages 1&2
Pages 3&4
Pages 5&6
Pages 7&8
Pages 9&10
Previous Stories:
Untitled pages 1&2
Page One is pretty self-explanatory, but page two will turn out to be a flashback to a few minutes before. You were going to learn that in two more pages anyway, so it's not really spoiling any sort of surprise.... And once I get the next two pages up, I'll start adding navigation links.
I put this in traditional art because, except for the cleanup, lettering, patterns, and minor flat coloring, it was done by hand. And believe me, that's a lot more hand-work than digital-work, so I'm putting it here!
“Learn to be Lonely” navigation:
Pages 1&2
Pages 3&4
Pages 5&6
Pages 7&8
Pages 9&10
Previous Stories:
Untitled pages 1&2
Image size
1738x1200px 507.36 KB
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Heheh, Nott and Vimes, huh? *grin* You have a LOVELY art style.