Deviation Actions
Morgan le Fay has been named as the ruler of Avalon, and skilled in the arts of healing and of changing shape. Has been claimed to be responsible for stirring up trouble between Arthur and Guinevere, yet finally appeared as a beneficent figure conveying Arthur to Avalon. Her magic powers were explained as learned from books and from the enchanter Merlin.
From my Arthurian series
See also
The Round Table - Equal Status
Mordred - Notorious Traitor
Guinevere - Wife and Queen
Avalon - Paradise
Camelot - Castle and Court
Sir Galahad - Beholder of the Grail
Elaine of Astolat, the Lady of Shalott
Stock thanks here
Morgan www.deviantart.com/kuoma-stock… & www.deviantart.com/kuoma-stock…
Staff www.deviantart.com/cgartiste/a…
Chain www.deviantart.com/aarizvi/art…
Pendant & dress trim www.deviantart.com/e-dinaphoto…
Swords www.deviantart.com/phelandavio… & pixabay.com/photos/swords-old-…
Stone circle www.deviantart.com/meeliah/art…
Chips graphicriver.net/item/30-explo…
Swirl www.deviantart.com/stockprojec…
Ivy www.deviantart.com/plasticusst… & www.deviantart.com/ybsilon-sto… & www.deviantart.com/ybsilon-sto…
Stone www.deviantart.com/fb-stock/ar…
Mist www.deviantart.com/jeffkingsto…
Background pixabay.com/photos/foggy-fores…
Textures www.deviantart.com/marcelaboli…
Brushes www.deviantart.com/redheadstoc… & www.deviantart.com/miss69-stoc… & www.deviantart.com/redheadstoc… & www.deviantart.com/midnightsto…