I am just a girl that loves to share her art. If it is the ones others have gifted me or art I have made myself. My art is mostly Traditional Art but sometimes I mix other things in it as well.
Most what I draw is fantasy like things as dragons, my adopted creatures. Some anime or game characters as well so now and then. A bit of a mix I guess.
I have been around for a lot of years and sometimes I am more inactive then active. But I still enjoy looking around and posting art from time to time.
I Hope I Don’t Sound Rude When Saying This But, Are You Currently Accepting Any Requests?
Never done any, but I guess I could. Depends on how and what.
Do you know Littlest Pet Shop? If you Don’t, This is What it is: https://www.google.ie/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjU2oXFsNuDAxWKWkEAHefHArUQFnoECG0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FLittlest_Pet_Shop_(2012_TV_series)&usg=AOvVaw1F-25ikdr1iwwGp9081B6B&opi=89978449
Sorry, thought I replied ages ago. Guess something went wrong. 😅 I do know it yeah. Used to own a few back in the days. With their own building and all.
Thanks for the llama!
You are very welcome
hi there im hosting an oc tournament , if you are interested