Staying with you

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Kilala-Rossi-Paris's avatar

One night while laying in my bed I happened to close my eyes just for a millimeter of a second and wandered off into a strange dream. The second however appeared to last for 4 months as when my eyes opened again they were greeted by hospital lights.

"What's going on ...where am I ? " I said as a doctor and nurse quickly appeared at my bedside....the air appeared to be filled with seriousness as they glanced at each other and their clipboards. Then the doctor spoke slowly and carefully to me.

" There was an accident, between your family.... your parents are completely fine now, but your two sisters needed surgery. However one of them didn't make it... unfortunately your left leg needed to be removed. But thankfully due to a spare donation....we were able to replace it."

My hazel eyes blinked completely confused as I quickly removed the blankets and glanced down at my legs. One pale .....just like the rest of my body ....and yet one was more tan. It had taken me a few minutes to understand and I completely started crying at the realization. My one sister has died and now I was going to be living with a part of her forever.

The next few months was rather difficult. My mom explained to me about how they were taking care of my niece now since her mother little sister was gone. My Stepdad explained that if I needed anything to call them both. After that returning to living alone with my cats was kinda weird. The cats would hiss at my left leg and run away from me if I appeared to close to them.

Looking at myself in the mirror for two long...made me start seeing things , my hair turning dirty blonde and my skin changing colors ...dusty blue eyes replaced Hazel. It got so much that I stopped checking out my reflection anymore. And that wasn't the hardest thing either now I had to wear different sizes shoes ....and my mind couldn't ever decide on a style or type.

Sleeping was nearly impossible without taking pills. There would be days were I couldn't sleep at all or slept for hour's straight falling in to a world of memories of my lost sister. But then.. one night I remember it so CLEARLY. Taking a nap around 9:00 pm, I was suddenly jolted awake and my eyes immediately had been draw to the doorway of my living room.

Standing there was this LARGE dark shadowy shape in the human appearance but missing something that was true. A strange cry came from it as it pointed right at me

" What's mine yours " This strange shadow spoke with a grunt and the disappeared. I was completely filled with terror, the next few nights at exactly the same would appear again and repeated itself. I tried asking in desperation what it wanted to only have silence be the only answer I would remain to get.

A year later my little niece suddenly pulled me aside from her guests at her birthday party and pulled me down closer to whisper a secret,

" Momma came to visit me last night, she said that we're always going to be together"

I wasn't surprised....after all children have the most wildest of imaginations.. but then again I have read somewhere that young children can see spirits. So I sighed and glanced at her and smiled softly grabbing her shoulders .

" Is Mommy here right now ? " ...I asked softly to that she nods in response and pointed to me one tanned leg and smiled softly .

" Momma said that she'd always be in my life .... because you carry her with you "

Immediately tears slipped down my face as I brought her into a hug and held her tightly against my chest and the transparent image of my little sister appeared as a grown woman and smiled at us heart filled with so much love and warmth....also realized what those words meant spoken by the shadow person.

My little sister may have died, but now I carry her around with me always and some might think it this as survivor's guilt.....and that could be true....but that's completely up to you.

© 2024 - 2025 Kilala-Rossi-Paris

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