Kuki and Wally TimelineKika-ila on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kika-ila/art/Kuki-and-Wally-Timeline-479579811Kika-ila

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Kuki and Wally Timeline



Two characters in one timeline.
This isn't a TD timeline, but a KND timeline, because i love that cartoon:
it is one of the few cartoons that never disappointed me, and I like every single character.
After the disappointment that the last TD seasons have given me, KND is a relief!
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5315x2375px 1.2 MB
© 2014 - 2025 Kika-ila
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In the 2nd image they are arguing. Now in the 3rd image are they feeling sad about their heated argument and wanted to apologize to each other 😟😢😞😭 💔 or just too ashamed to addmit their feelings for each other 😏😏😏?