[YGGR] LockeKihtorii on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kihtorii/art/YGGR-Locke-774078763Kihtorii

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[YGGR] Locke



HIHI my third kid which means I'm done spamming apps now //sweats I have some other art planned so back to the usual submissions now!


NAME: Locke Aluin
ALIAS: Noctis | The Gentleman Thief
AGE: 23
SPECIES: Hybrid (human/cat)
HEIGHT: 5'6"
OCCUPATION: Thief | Rogue | Con-man | Takes quests on the side



[ Witty | Silver tongue | Charismatic | Patient ] - [ Free Spirited | Cunning | Daring | Optimistic ] - [ Dissolute | Stubborn | Deceiver | Impulsive ]
  • Suave with his words, Locke is quite the charmer. He talks his way around situations like a dancer in the ballroom. He's good at deducing what people wish to hear too and either feeding it to them or easing around it, depending. Speech is key to any good relationship and so he'll try and use it to get on people's good sides. Whether that's out of mutual gain or personal... is up to the person to try and figure out.

  • As a thief who in the past has been involved in heists, Locke has developed patience. He can formulate a plan and wait for months to bring it to fruition. This trait has carried over to everyday life and he's usually in no rush to go anywhere or hurry people around him.

  • He is highly optimistic, even when facing or in the midst of disastrous situations and insists on trying to spread it to others. Locke constantly has positive expressions on his face, usually a smile or a smirk. He hides any doubts behind these and optimistic words. You know something is wrong or he's not feeling himself when he acts otherwise.

  • Cunning, Locke will use his sly and wit, scheming to reach his goals. He judges whether it's better to approach or evade, be soft or strong, charming or taunting. This may also play into his deceptiveness where Locke is quite the actor and liar.

  • He is highly free spirited and not constrained by conventional ways and methods. He lives his own way, does his own thing and doesn't care for others opinions on him or his ways. He comes and goes when he wishes too, not always prompt with meeting others (unless it's business). 

  • He can become quite impulsive. Plans do not always go right and so he is forced to improvise. Or... he'll become distracted by something else and alter things on the spot. If he sees something he wants, or thinks of something he wants to do, he may just leap before he looks. Dive in with little pause for thought.

  • Locke can be quite stubborn, especially with sticking to plans. His opinions are not easily swayed. Present him with logic rather than emotional reasoning.

  • To those he gets along with and likes, Locke is kind and friendly. Given enough time, he will be his more true self around them. It's not something that develops overnight though and if someone tries to get close to him too quickly, he will wonder what ulterior motives they have.

LIKES: a challenge | good conversation partner | banter | coin | reading | lazing | taverns | a good wager | playful flirting (gender does not matter despite his sexuality)

DISLIKES: overbearing authority & law | arrogance (especially from wealth) | power hunger | being snuck up on | sour foods 


  • He mainly runs solo on any thieving work in Yggdrasil's Realm, but in his former land, he did run with a few crews in the past. He even led some or put them together using his guile and silver tongue.

  • Locke tends to use a gentlemanly facade and so may play with acting charming, flirtatious and even formal. It's not something he does all the time though traces of it tend to stick. Anger or hurt him enough and this will drop at a hat and you may meet a colder side to him.

  • He always wears his mask on the job and quite often his cavalier hat to cover his light hair better. Also, he likes the flair it gives him. His shoulder cape allows him to use his hand unseen which is great for pick-pocketing. As for his swords, he can summon them using his Dark magic though this is somewhat draining on his aether so he tends to have them on his person if he knows or think he's going into a situation where he'll be needing them. Locke also has throwing knives hidden on his person.

  • He enjoys the atmosphere of a tavern and so can be found relaxing in one in the evenings. He'll sometimes engage with others or ongoing events.

  • In his land, touching others ears and tails was not a common thing. Not only due to their sensitivity but it's similar to stroking any other part of the body. 

  • He has human legs until half way down his calves. From there, they're cat-like. His paw pads aren't sensitive due to all the walking he has done on them. Tickle deep between them though and you're going to get a kick to the face. He does have retractable claws too on his feet and uses them for extra grip when needed. 

  • He keeps weird hours and can be found day or night sporadically. Locke can be found cat-napping to keep up with his own lifestyle. 

  • Locke's relationship with his familiar is quite human. He talks to and 'argues' with them but also sees them as his partner in crime. He may insult them but they know he's not serious and is protective of them more than anything.


The illegitimate son of a nobleman and a prostitute. Locke was raised in the red light district of his world, introduced to thievery at a young age as the pickings were quite vast. Those visiting always had coin within their pockets and Locke was trained to make them lighter.

When his skills were decent enough and his magic discovered, he was sold onto a thief maker who took notice and saw potential to help the boy bloom into something far better, someone who could reach higher than the coats of distracted pleasure seekers.
And Locke all too gladly went along with it in spite of the nobility that abandoned him and his mother for a world of falsities, arrogance and abusing the common folk. His world nobility were harsh rulers that reaped the benefits of others and bathed in wealth brought by the blood sweat and tears of people lesser yet far far greater.

The boy grew into a man and that man developed an insatiable thirst for a thrill. One that his antics brought. Weeks to months worth of planning all leading up to one night where he could take and take and take.
Years with the most dishonest yet honest crew – loyal to one another. Loyal to a cause that stuck it to those who oppressed the folk below them. It may not have torn down the empire but by the creators was it worth it anyway just to imagine their surprise and anger when they learnt they had been robbed by rats from the underground.

Locke was taught how to wield and use dual swords effectively by a teacher his thief maker hired and then later in life, refined his skills alongside his crew mates. One introduced him to throwing knives and upon giving him a demonstration one night as things looked like they were about to go wrong, one guard spotting them and soon silenced, Locke never looked back and was soon keeping them on his person at all times.

He roamed not just the night, but the day, always leaping on a chance where nobility would not expect him to appear. With his shadow magic assisting him, he became one with the night and was dubbed by his crew as Noctis – night.And with a grown reputation, by the streets, the Gentleman Thief.

Locke had rarely been caught and a cell never held him for long. Either his lock picking saw to that or a friend to the rescue. His hands too valuable for a crew to lose.
Although he was not caught upon his final heist in his world - things just perhaps not going as planned as he found himself fleeing across the rooftops with a pursuit of guards in tow – he lost the game. Something took him.

And he found himself cast into a new world...
With only the light of a small crystal to guide him.



STRENGTHS: nimble | agile | flexible | stealthy | light fingered | light footed | lock picking | parkour
WEAKNESSES: lacking in physical strength | ranged attacks | multiple opponents | dispelling magic | strong opponents | bright lights weaken his magic | light magic | own over confidence at times


[ Umbra ] - the ability to manipulate existing shadows. This is to a moderate scale. Think thinner tendrils or small scale weapon like. Not large waves or walls, though he can lace a layer over his body for better concealment among them (not perfect - a dark figure moving in a shadow is still somewhat visible).

[ Tenebris ] - a spell that eliminates light within a certain range, casting a sphere of darkness to basically blind those caught within it. The larger, the more draining and short lived it is. As the caster, Locke can still see through it. Those with darkvision can see faintly from movement within it.

[ Pallium Umbra ] - similar to umbra where he shrouds his form in a layer of shadow though they seep into him as well. Works better in dimmer/darker environments. His body becomes a shadowed weapon but it's very consuming on his aether, painful and dulls his sense to the point he can come across quite wild. He will rarely use this and saves it for dangerous situations.

[ Dual Swords ] - talented with wielding his dual words and makes up for defense with Umbra if there are shadows around (can use his own shadow). He's swift handed with them to make up for what he lacks in heavy blows.

[ Throwing Knives ] - stored on his person the majority of the time. He is very accurate with his throws.


MEDIA: Discord | Google Docs | Comments

METHODS: Paragraph | Literature | Script | Headcanon

Pixelled Copyright by Sophibelle
I do not give permission for anyone to reference my characters or designs to make their own off of.

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© 2018 - 2025 Kihtorii
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Black-Wren's avatar
So handsome!  So Hot!  *faints*