
The Minion

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Kickgirl52's avatar

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       As they line up, a tear rolls down his cheek as he thinks this is the last time he is going to see the sun rise over Summoners Rift. Wiping his face he looks around, making sure no one saw. A minion doesn't cry. A minion must be strong and be willing to sacrifice his life for the greater good of the Nexus. Thankfully his cloak covers his face and no one witnessed the little tear.

       He recalled the day he got the letter in the mail. 'ALL MINIONS OLD ENOUGH TO HOLD A WEAPON MUST REPORT TO SUMMONERS RIFT IN ONE DAYS TIME. THOSE FOUND HIDING WILL BE SACRIFICED TO BARON NASHOR.' Reading that letter he knew it would be more honorable to die in battle than hide like a coward just to be found and fed to THAT beast.

       "Number 1,400! Get in line you noob!" yelled the shop keeper. How the keeper of the shop became boss of the minions is unclear. The nervous minion started walking to his spot at the very end of the line. He was at least grateful that he had time to accept death by the time it was his turn to charge. As he started his long walk, he looked at minion 1. His heart hurt as he noticed it was nothing but a small minion perhaps only the age of 10. This little minion still has at least a few years to live before throwing it all away. What is wrong with these "Giants"? Whats wrong with this shop keeper!? He stood there and thought..and thought....he couldn't let this kid die. Being number 1 was sure to mean death and every minion knew that.

        He looked to his left, then to his right. He then turned to the child. "You're not suppose to be here silly. Your number 1,400. Go get in line." He shoved the little minion along. With a confused look, the little one did what he was told. He then took the child's place.

        "Forward march!" yelled the shop keeper and the march of impending doom began.

        They marched past the turret their brother minions had built. Along the horizon, the enemy came into view. Being the new number 1 didn't give him much time to prepare for death and his nerves were getting to him, but he kept on marching with a fire growing in his heart.


       The minions collide. Swords and shields met and for being number 1, he was holding his own. In the background, he heard the "Giants" coming. Soon after, arrows and magic were flying over him and finishing off the enemy minions. "WTF! KS KS!" Number 1 grumbled, getting the fighting spirit. The first wave of enemy minions were gone and he was surprisingly still alive, a few cuts here and there, but he was alive. This gave him hope. Charging forward, he saw the enemy "Giant" and once they locked eyes, the "Giant" attacked with bullets. "Gah! Ranged against melee.." panting and losing too much blood, "that's...fair.." The pain was excruciating and he felt like this was the end, but he was so close to the "Giant". Just one hit..and he would be happy to die. Closer and closer he got, but with every step the "Giant" shot another bullet. "Al...most..ther.."

       And with that, the number one minion fell in defeat right at the "Giant's" feet.

       Tears streamed down his face, he couldn't control them. Blood was gushing from his stomach and his vision became more and more dim. Even through all this, a smile grew on his face as he thought of the child. 'At least I gave him a chance to live' was his last thought as he faded away.

       Suddenly, the minion awoke in his bed. His pillow was soaked with tears and he immediately sat up,"where and I?!" He then checked his stomach. ' blood' he thought. After a few minutes of collecting himself, he realized he was in no danger and he was just in the comfort of his own home. He laid back down. "Just another nightmare," he muttered to himself. He then turned to his side and looked at his calender, "Tomorrow huh? Hope it goes better than my dream." He shook his head, "Nah..this time I'll actually hit her."
I wrote this for the summoner showcase a couple months back. It is about if minions had dreams, what would they dream about?

Arrows: Ashe
Magic: Lulu
Bullets: Miss Fortune
© 2013 - 2025 Kickgirl52
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JayEve's avatar
Awesome story :D