Life is Strange - Chloe - Trust no oneKiara-Valentine on DeviantArt

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Life is Strange - Chloe - Trust no one



"Trust no one"
I feel really close to this character, and ...I love blue hair :P!
Search (on Steam) and play "Life is Strange", NOW ò_ò!

Me Facebook Kiara Valentine Cosplay as Chloe
Photo by the ALWAYS amazing :iconandreaf72: Andrea Frediani Ph.

"Trust no one"
Mi sento veramente nei miei panni con questo personaggio e... amo i suoi capelli blu :P!
Cercate (su Steam) "Life is Strange", ADESSO ò_ò!

Me Facebook Kiara Valentine Cosplay  Chloe
Foto dal sempre bravissimo :iconandreaf72: Andrea Frediani Ph.
Image size
843x1262px 125.53 KB
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zuo2012's avatar
Super great cos shot.......Clap I want see your this cos!!!!!! MHP2G-KIRIN- orAfter the Impact 2nd  or Cidney Aurum, by DanteWontDie or Kill la Kill fan art or Princess Leia