Kiamaras's avatar


Created by Pandora
Years Ago

Kiamaras Holiday Event! by Solloby, journal

Free Kiamara Holiday Event - Prizes Drawn! by Solloby, journal

Kiamara Easter Hunt 2020 Closed by Okamorei, journal

Comments 953

anonymous's avatar
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FoxySupersta's avatar

Sent the admins a note about a lost design

BlueTopazBlue's avatar
I am Bluetopaz on Kimaras buuut i wana know, can anyone make a riftjumper or an adopt?

Edit- Whats a MYO, i have one but how do i use it?
ThePaintedKitsune's avatar


Sorry for the late reply, our deviantart group is not used as much anymore.

Only official artists may make adopts or rift jumpers for the species, and artist applications are not open at this time.

As for using the Myo you can follow our Myo guide:

CosmicFox1234's avatar
Hi! I have an account on the "kiamaras" web thingy, and I have a "myo" slot, but idk how to make a request, or if I'm meant to draw or not. I'm also not the best at art, so would I look up free line art? Sorry, I'm probably pretty annoying for asking this when there are more important questions to ask, but I've been looking for a day and can't find anything about it qwq
Gingy-the-RedPanda's avatar

Hello! Archivist/Moderator Gingy here. Has anyone helped you with this yet? If not, feel free to send me a note or chat here on DA. Or you can message me on discord Gingy-the-RedPanda#7586

You can also join the official Kiamara discord to ask any other questions you may have so they don't get missed here on DA

Rexos-Isle's avatar
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feel free to reply to this comment and a member of the team will get back to you as soon as possible! 

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to note the group or note a member of the admin team