Cub adopts! CLOSEDKi-Re on DeviantArt

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Cub adopts! CLOSED



SO, here we go!

Bullet; Green Each adopt is 10 points!
Bullet; Green You can adopt as much as you want
Bullet; Green If you draw them first time, please give me a sign! :) (Smile)
Bullet; Green If you read the rules, put "I love candies" somewhere in your comment. 
Bullet; Green I can wait for 3 days for points = char can be on hold for 3 days
Bullet; Green Please, pay in donation pool in my main page! Thank you very much!

 Bullet; Red - closed  Bullet; Orange - on hold

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My other adoptions:

Cubs adopts! (10/35 open) 10 points! by Ki-Re Dragon adopts! CLOSED by Ki-Re Cubs adopts! (3/25 open) 10 points! by Ki-Re
Image size
1500x833px 361.06 KB
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X--xRiverx--X's avatar
nr. 4 please
"I love candies"