So, Yeah, Hi, I'm Not Dead.

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KHC1000's avatar

In short, I've had a lot going on with my life outside the internet and have been more limited in my time even on sites I mentioned I'd have likely more activity on.  Let's just say I've been having to rearrange wedding dates for next year, dealing with financial struggles, and working not enough hours at my day job, yadda, yadda, yadda. I know this is all the same as the last time I have said anything, but the fact of the matter is, it's the truth as this is how life is as we grow older and realize that our time for fun and ease aren't going to necessarily play out as we initially intended them to.  I'm only 33, but I'm definitely wise beyond my years than my body age suggests.  My main way of contact at this time is by my personal Facebook profile, which I'm not going to give out publicly.  If anyone genuinely wishes to add me there for no nefarious reasons, feel free to message me at my email if you really wish to have me added or if you'd prefer not to do Facebook, I'm on FurAffinity still as DreamSelfWolfKP or on Twitter as KachichanDSWKP.  I'm usually always logged into FurAffinity, so, I may catch messages there as a secondary contact area.  My email would be an alternate to Facebook, but I don't usually check it for chatting purposes, unless it's related to commissions of any kind, whether I commission something or am commissioned for something.  Anyway, there's not really much else to it, just life.  Thanks for reading and see you lot at some point in time possibly.

© 2024 - 2025 KHC1000
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