Cops Fucked With My Family!

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KHC1000's avatar
Reposting From Soren, My Brother Jeff's Roommate On Facebook (PLEASE READ ALL OF IT!):

"Well this was a shitty morning. Me and my roommate Jeff decided to go get breakfast for us 3, and when we were walking back home, a cop pulled us over and started to try to get in our faces and bully us, and basically tried to arrest us for walking with breakfast in our hands. I took pictures of Jeff's wrists and documented them. Well unbeknownst to the cronies that he called for backup, he was bring extremely belligerent towards us.
And when I basically told the cop the fact that Jeff was disabled, the cop was basically changing his tune about shit.

Seriously we were no threat to the cops at all, Jeff was walking with a walking stick
Ànd I had an umbrella because we thought it would rain.
The cop screamed at us numerous times to as he said, "beat feet"... or we are both going to jail.

While Jeff got handcuffed, the cop dropped his walking stick and basically jerked Jeff around in handcuffs.... legally we both could sue the shit out of the cop, and the rest of the cops who showed up, who essentially were all in our faces.
Considering that me and Jeff weren't harassing the cops, nor were we doing anything...problematic.
We were walking home. With food that got cold.

They kept trying to force us to give our address and without reading Jeff his rights handcuffed him harshly, and they kept trying to goad Jeff and me into trying to harass us.

What part of the fact that Jeff and I are not the people who you are looking for.

Badge number 134 Deputy Cobb We've reported you... so good luck finding the people who you thought was us.
Especially since your story didn't completely make sense, nor did you handle yourself properly as an officer, nor did your cronies who looked like they were on something.

And no... contrary to what you think, you do not need to know someone's life story or harass them.
You also not need to provoke people into trying to fight you, or threaten to arrest them for no actual legal reason.

We know our rights very well and invoked them to the best of our ability.
You definitely have no right to have a cop act like they are gonna steal Jeff's walking stick either for evidence or whatever.
You definitely failed at that did you mr young dumb cop who acted like he was gonna hit us with his night stick... also don't have your night stick out when you try to question someone and they will cooperate with you a bit more, instead of wondering if you will bash their skulls in."

Sharing from my brother's roommate. The cop has been found and is, as we speak, being reported for this shit. If you are going to try and defend these cops, then please, remove yourself from my life now. This happened to MY FAMILY, there is photo evidence of what they did, and THIS WAS WRONG! Or if anyone knows Daniel Cobb of the Burke County police department in Hildebran or where ever else he maybe stationed and wishes to believe him or side with him, get the fuck out too. Not all cops are bad by any means, but in this instance, they were low down shitty in not following procedures, policies, not having a warrant/probable cause, or knowing the actual laws that they damn well should know. If you would like to help call and report this along with me and my family, then it would be greatly appreciated and loved. Even if you aren't in NC, you can report and call.

Complaint to Attorney General of NC:
Toll-free within North Carolina - 1-877-5-NO-SCAM
From outside North Carolina - (919) 716-0058
En Espanol - (919) 716-6000

Consumer Protection Division
Attorney General's Office
Mail Service Center 9001
Raleigh, NC 27699-9001

Sheriff Office Contacts:

This is not something to take lightly at all! And we're fighting back. My brother and his roommate are disabled, this is no joke or anything to bullshit with.

Sharing this where ever I can to get the story out there. It NEEDS to be out there!

© 2018 - 2025 KHC1000

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ULJunTsuki's avatar
I'm on your family's side on this. Not all cops are bad but not all of them are good either. Just like normal people. That police shouldn't be a cop at all.