the new supergirlKevinusprime on DeviantArt

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the new supergirl



supergirl in her new costume
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© 2011 - 2025 Kevinusprime
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psiandco's avatar
I second many others here who like your version of this look.
I do not know why they chose to make the kness bare, but I do like the "COSTUME IS ARMOR" look.
doesn't jor-el explain to clark that the crystal (*Used to make the fortress of solitude) houses the scientific knowledge and achievments of 26 known galaxies? So how can the kryptonians do what they do? uhm, collected scientific knowledge of 26 known galaxies, hello! they don't have 'Junk DNA' (introns), that would all be the machinery of their *UBERNESS* and proly have total mastery over things we can't even imagine now... like inertia, mass, gravity, dimensional slipstream, nonlocality, meh... ad infinitum.
which is why 'arrogant', 'self deluded', kryptonians would believe the lies presented by "BRAINIAC" and could have been snuck up on by their own star going nova ("gee, don't the sun seem a lil' extra red and fussy today?").

kinda helps me grasp the whole invulnerable physiology and "?" cloth costume argument.
the idea that Ma Kent sewed up, supes costume from magical kryptonian mystery cloth...
doesn't jive with me. it has to be regular cloth and if it is regular cloth; flying through a few fires, machine gun fights, and a brick wall or two, planetary re-entry at mach 32, flying super-luminal speed between planets through a sandstorm of atom sized nano-meteors, etc. should leave them super naked. what I would find *UNHEROIC*.

But a ceremonial kyrptonian royal house guardian garb that intelligently fits the wearer, and repairs itself, and can stand up to super-punishment, only makes... supersense.