kenyasakura2003's avatar


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Tagged (*u* )

6 min read
Tagged by :iconpatri-bkaulitz:~ (LOL one of the only ppl that cares about my dA xD)


1 → You must post these rules.
2 → Each tagged person must post 10 things about themselves on their journal.
3 → You have to choose and tag 10 people and post their icons on the same journal.
4 → Go to their pages and tell them you tagged them. TOO LAZY..
5 → No tag backs.
6 → No junk in the tagging section about "you're tagged if you read this." You legitimately have to tag 10 people.



2. The college kills most of my time and I can only draw at weekends or on vacations.

3. I'm addicted to buy things by internet... *u*

4. I love all the Apple things... *hugs her mac*

5. I LOVE the turquoise color

6. I don't love to Maya, I think... he is fine and its cool and atractive but I don't want anything with him or kiss him or something like this... that surely will be disgusting for him and for me...

7. I wish I could talk with more Japanese people, as long as I don't use a lot the Japanese, I'm starting to forget the things that I learned 3 years ago... :/

8. I love the man x man relationship, of course, I love the girl x girl relationships too... *u*

9. I can't go out without my cellphone or ipod to hear music

10. I used to buy the LM.C's singles because of their design... more than their music... but now I'm always getting sad an angry because the designs are a SHIT!! I HATE THEM!

· Now the TAGGED ONES!! 8D (Feel free to do it or not, though~)

I won't tag to anyone... because I don't really know who want to do it, if you want... copy it and you can put the link on a comment to read it ^^!!

(LOL will there be anyone???)

Kenya: Ok... maybe here won't be trollfaces LOL... at least, I think somebody really want to reply to ALL!! HAHAHAHA


~~SPANISH TEST PART~~ (For none spanish speakers is not necessary to read it or do it, of course) x)

Taggeada por: :iconpatri-bkaulitz:

Hora de inicio: 01:02

Nombre: Kenya

¿Te gusta alguien?: No... no me gusta... la amo *U*!!!

¿Color de ojos?: verdes con miel

¿Color de piel?: mm... rosa (???) HAHAHAHAHAH XD a veces amarilla y a veces clara... soy tornasol *u*

¿Color de habitación?: azul


¿Has estado enamorad@ alguna vez?: ¡Más que enamorada diría yo!

¿Crees en el amor?: CLARO

¿Alguna vez te has enamorado de tu mejor amigo?: ¡NAI!

¿Tienes miedo al compromiso?: ¡¡Para nada!! ¡Los compromisos son los mejores retos en esta vida!

¿Alguien te ha besado en la mano?: SIIIII!!!

¿Has besado a alguien?: Por su puesto!!

¿Cerveza o Whisky?: chocomilk D:!! odio todo lo que contenga alcohol

¿Noche o día?: Noche por que así puedo manosear a mi Neko sin que nadie se entere *U*

¿Relación estable o rollo?: ¡Mega estable!

¿Televisión o internet?: Internet, tiene como 2 años que no veo tele, tal vez más.

¿Zurda o diestra?: Diestra

¿Pepsi o Coca-cola?: Coca...

¿Fanta o Coca-Cola?: Fanta *u*... pinta la lengua *U*!!

¿Dinero o familia?: Hahahaha creo que con el dinero puedes mantener a una familia, es preferible tener una familia estable económicamente a estar siempre rodeados de problemas que no son necesariamente entre ellos.

¿En persona o por teléfono?: Nadie me habla por teléfono, nunca hablo por teléfono... así que en persona.

¿Carne o pescado?: Carne por favor!! AMO LA CARNE!


...has espiado a alguien?: Definitivamente sí! XD

... hiciste algo de lo que te arrepintieras: No... creo que todo lo que hacemos es por una razón y, después de todo, el "hubieras" no existe... ya lo hiciste y ahora a aprender a conllevar las consecuencias.

... has hecho puenting?: ¿Qué demonios es eso? ¿Aventarme de un puende amarrada a una cuerda? Me suena a eso ._.

... has hecho paracaidismo?: Noooo... pero siempre he querido!!!

... has acabado entero el juego del comecocos?: comecocos?!?!?!? pacman? XD ¿Cuál es el juego del comecocos?

... has matado?: Mmm.... si... ¡he matado chinos! *manda un zumbido*

... has bailado bajo la lluvia?: No... ahora que lo pienso, nuna me he puesto a bailar xD

... has besado a alguien bajo la lluvia?: OOHHH!!! QUIERO!! nunca lo he hecho *A*!

- - - -

ELIGE A CINCO VICTIMAS PARA QUE SIGAN EL TEST: mi amore, mi hermana, mi senpai, ¡Maya! y Niro

- - - -


está tu mejor amigo entre esas personas?
SIIII!!! mi senpai!! Siempre está junto a miii!!

...te gusta alguien de ellos?
Ya lo dije, no me gusta.... XD LA AMOOO

...irías de fiesta con 2 y 5?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA con 5 sí pero la 2... no mms... nos morimos de amargura!!! XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

...le darías tu casa a 1?
OMG... mi casa y todo mi ser *u*!

...qué piensas de 3?
AWW!!! es una maravillosa senpai!! La mejor de todas y y y a veces me siento 100% culpable por que ella se preocupa mucho por mi, siempre me da atención y yo nunca sé como regresarle todos los favores que me hace... todo lo que me da... me siento como la mala del cuento *llora*

PD: Disculpad mi tontería al hacer esto, una se aburre mucho xDD

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2 min read

08/06/2011 22:13:00 COM Benito Juárez Internacional, D.F. Enviado a Destino COM Puebla H. Puebla de Z., Pue.
08/06/2011 21:38:34 MEXICO AEREO D.F. Salida de Aduana
07/06/2011 13:19:37 TOKYO INT BAG Entrada al Pais MEXICO EMS
07/06/2011 13:20:04 MEXICO AEREO D.F. Entrada en Aduana

Maybe, if the Puebla's post office don't take another day, my SDG's cosplay WILL ARRIVE TO MY HOUSE tomorrow!!! I WANNA DIE!!! *dies*! OMFG!!
*cries as a happy baby*

SANSNLSNKL A LITTLE MORE!! gosh!! I'm sooo excited!!
AWWW *breathe* anyways...

Today I drew a little more of the Maya's portrait!! *W*!!
you can see de advance here:

Enjoy it and and... OMFG *dies*!!
Gosh... I'm SO FUCKING HAPPY!!!!!!

*runs by all her room as a pikachu with a lot of electricity*

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(*------------* )

Oh my holy sh*t... I don't have to say anything...!!!
Only... look at this image:

*gets totally excited*

I WANNA CRY!!! It is my best draw!! IT IS!!!!

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... on my art work hahaha

Maybe a lot of people only watch my draws because they are wasting time or something like this...
I never write journals because... maybe I'm a girl with only a few words...

I have to thank to all the people who is always waiting for one of my draws... the people who really want that I upload something... thanks to you my dears!! I'm really happy because my art now have a reason and is: "make you happy" If you smiled watching my draws or you felt "something" I'm happy...

And thanks to the people who talks a lot with my by DA (*u*  ) and specially the ones who added me to msn and we still talk!!! I'm really happy!! >o<!!!

Well.... my next draw will be to all those people!! and I know you are wondering which will be the next one... well... here I'm sharing you a little advance! (^^ )!!
Take a little look to it!! =D

I'm wondering to finish it!!
It will have a speed painting too!! *u*!!! YEY!

Oh... by the way...
For the people who only follows my DA by my cosplays I have a surprise for you too!!! (^^ )
Today I payed my new outfit... Super Duper Galaxy's outfit!!! It is coming soon!! and here is a little advance too!!!…

I have to dye the wig but I'll do it the next weekend, I wanna use it to take more photos of the Punky Heart's cosplay! (*u*  )
Thanks to you too my littles!!
I'm very happy that you love my cosplay and, as I'm always aying, the cosplay is for you so, you have to enjoy it a LOT!

Kenya I.

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3 min read
1 Post these rules
2 Each tagged person must post ten facts about themselves on their journal
3 Choose ten friends and put their icon on the same page
4 Go to their page and send a message saying you tagged them

I was tagged by :iconxnir0x:

1. I don't like to spend a lot of my time on the streets, I prefer to be at my room.

2. I'm always "ON" on the msn, when I'm off you must get worried because something happened me!! XD LOOOOOOL

3. I'm starting to believe that it wasn't a good idea to do the Maya's cosplay but I'm happy that i can look like the awesome Maya!!!

4. I'm very very very patient (unless with my PC, my PC is the only one who makes me get ANGY totally fastly!!!) [My PC spent 15 - 20 to turn on]

5. I'm never happy with my draws.. I'm happy of only 3 draws in ALL my short live and I give them to my best friends.

6. One day I confused myself with maya! XD LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!! I was on my classroom and my friend was watching my facebook, and after that she watched some photos of Maya and I said her... "EH?! I don't rememer that I had taken those photos" and OMFG!! that was the real Maya xD LOOOL! my friend hadn't stopped to laugh of me~~ xD LOL

7. I abuse of my mom (u__u ) I'm aways asking for expensive things and she gaves them to me (T---T ) I wanna stop but I can't!! When I decided to stop, LM.C release a new single or omething like this!!! =3=

8. I'm a freaking ADDICT to guitar hero... I play it on expert, hyperspeed = 5, and I'm always getting more than 95% in all the songs... (unless the dragonforce ones, on thaat i got 85%)

9. One of my exboyfriends tried to rape me LOL... but I hit him and went out of his house runing like a crazy girl LOL...

10. I'm a NERD!!! =3= I'm always getting the *** price of acdemic excellence since 1° of elementary school... THATS THE REASON THAT I CAN ASK TO MY MOM FOR ALL THOSE EXPENSIVE THINGS LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!

11. I wrote a Yaoi Fanfic about Maya & Aiji's love and it's about 180 pages on "word.exe"

12. I don't like to follow the unimportant rules (*had you noticed it*)

Well... I wouldn't tag to anybody I don't really answer those kind of thing BUT!!! Yuki tagged me so I decided to do it!! ^^

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Tagged (*u* ) by kenyasakura2003, journal

SDG's OUTFIT!!! by kenyasakura2003, journal

F*cking AWESOME!!! by kenyasakura2003, journal

Only for the people who is really interested... by kenyasakura2003, journal

Tagged by kenyasakura2003, journal