The meetingkenshin-chan64 on DeviantArt

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kenshin-chan64's avatar

The meeting



Is my character sheet entry, but I got an idea and had to make another entry, this comic. This is for :icongirl-on-the-moon: ’s contest for the Search for the Truth group :iconsearch-for-the-truth:
There was no way I could do the whole thing in SFtT style, so I didn’t.
I pushed this out as quickly as I could because I knew it would get shoved to the back burner.

EDIT: So I sat down and took a little more time with this and added in some simple shading, worked on the stage, and tweaked the dialogue a bit (ten internets for whoever catches it!)

I thought I’d also explain my train of thought in this a little :)
You could say it sort of started when they had the Proms music concert thing, and had the ‘Music of the Spheres’ short, I believe it was called. In the thingy, the Doctor noticed where he was and mentioned how he played at the very first Proms and played the tuba. Needless to say I squealed like a little fangirl~ So I figured that the Doctor must like going to concerts and such, and well, I’m a musician. And that is why there is a tuba in my comic here! :) Hope that clears it up as to how I could come across the Doctor.
Please see the character sheet if you are confused about the rabbit’s part in this, I’m rambling too much in here :D

Character sheet for this comic and other entry [link]
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© 2009 - 2025 kenshin-chan64
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Leaviel's avatar
the fact that you included Owen makes me REALLY like this... you know, more than I would've originally... :D