EruptionKennethJensen on DeviantArt

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KennethJensen's avatar




I tried to make it look like the blast is breaching through from the background on this one. Hope you like it:)

Eruption in 2560 x 1600
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2560x1600px 3.91 MB
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SkillZombie's avatar
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Impact

The cataclysmic beauty of the forces of space. Vast engines of celestial destruction chaotically blasting energy throughout the universe, while at the same time are able to form new phenomenon and life from them, keeping the universe in order. This is a true example of Concise Chaos if I ever saw one. From the reality altering forces of massive quasars to the vast encompassing sizes of larger stars and supernova explosions, despite being forces of incalculable power and destruction that could disintegrate all matter within their paths, in a way they carry their own unique flair of beauty; one that you cannot experience anywhere in the universe. Vast plasma streams liking the airless vacuum of space like the branches of newly grown plants, nebula clouds expanding and growing like the petals of a newly grown flower after a gentle spring rain, these unique astral encounters have and always will be a constant source of information and inspiration to all of us living on this big, blue ball that we call Earth. In a sense, that's what truly makes being an artist so incredible. We are able to depict scenes and imagery that only our imaginations have touched, enabling ourselves to venture to unseen galaxies and worlds beyond our own horizons and created scenes of exuberant beauty that even nature itself has been unable to truly immaculate and bring forth. Eruption, created by *icLust3R, presents the viewer with another scene of celestial beauty in the form of a fiery explosion in space, preparing to give birth to something new.

I have to say that I do in fact like the artist's brushing techniques as well as a use of detailing. The brush stroking here has managed to capture the consistency of nebulae clouds and give them a dynamic feeling of motion to the cloud's compositional elements as the explosive forces from their creation erupt through them. The fragmentary shards of plasma and planets as they rocket through space add to that feeling of dynamic movement and give the illusion that the viewer is slowly moving away from the explosion as it expands. The image of the destruction forever melded into their minds hoping never to let such a scene of beauty leave from their imaginations. Utilizing all of the elements really holds the piece together and gives it more personality as well as making it more of an artistic spectacle to the viewer.

However, with everything that went well with the piece, there are a few glaring problems that should be fixed in order to bring out the image's full potential. One thing that caught my mind was the texturing on the two planets, more specifically the one in the foreground. It looks as if the artist's quickly pushed it together without really adding much quality to it. Perhaps maybe compiling a custom texture to the piece could add more detailing and depth to the piece. One must also put into account of the realistic dimensions of the piece. With such a explosion of that magnitude, the two planetary bodies would begin to tear apart under the stress and forces the explosion is generating. I would suggest that you try to draw the planets slowly coming apart as the explosion races toward them.

The nebula could also use a bit of fine tuning to it. Near the epicenter of the explosion, I can see a bit of pixelation from either over sharpening parts of the explosion or it was stretched a bit too much for its resolution. If you could, I would recommend cleaning it up a bit as it distracts from the overall quality of the piece and that really hurts it. Also the fragmented meteorites appear a bit to plain in contrast to the rest of the piece. Try and add a bit of flair to them and make them a little more detailed, perhaps by altering their gaseous tails and trails, instead they look more like quick brush strokes across the screen. Don't be afraid to go above and beyond on your pieces and make sure that you can always go to the next level if possible.

There are countless things that we may never encounter in the universe. Untold forces combining with each other to form new astral bodies, the creation of a large star from start to finish and even what lies within the depths of a black hole. One thing is for sure, as long as the artists still exist, we can still find a way to explore these depths within our minds. Nice job, *icLust3R! <img src="…" width="20" height="20" alt=":clap:" title="Clap"/>