[UH] Kido, ReijiKemaKappa on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kemakappa/art/UH-Kido-Reiji-615963471KemaKappa

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[UH] Kido, Reiji



EEEEEEEEEEE I did the thing----- //huffs
I should've named him tree lol 
This tree boi is average hue
Kido, Reiji
Age: 16
Year: 1st
Birthday: Oct 15 (Libra)
Short Info: 5'7 ft/170 cm; 135 lb/Around 61 kg.
Orientation: Foodsexual, Sleepsexual, Treesexual. 

Likes: Sweets, Napping, Sweets, More sweets, Cute things, Bears, Sweets, Trees(????), Comedy and the color green. 

Dislikes: Exercise, Difficult Situations, Being a leader, Vegetables, Extreme expectations, and Stress.

Hobbies/Talents/Etc: Lazing around, Sleeping, Eating sweets, Reading, ...................................... oAo;; Uh...Being Talentless--- 

History: Ever since Reiji was a kid, his parents have never asked Reiji to help them with chores and were too overprotective with him so he'd stay home most of the time. Both of his parents and him do not talk very often but when they do, it's either about what one of them wants or where the other is going. Because of that, Reiji remained expressionless and no one has seen him laugh or smile. Now it's too late for him since he's become an antisocial, lazy, sweet-obsessed teen. His parents are currently wondering where they went wrong with him.

Reiji hasn't made any friends except one (Naoki) during his previous years in school. Naoki is the only one who he feels comfortable talking with. Now, Reiji hopes to make new friends and be more social in his high school years. 

Personality: Reiji's usually quiet and observant to his surroundings. Although he's lazy and loves to sleep, he can be diligent when he needs to. Reiji tries to be courteous but some people often think that he's being sarcastic due to his tone of voice. He's weak-willed and very indecisive so he tries to avoid any role or situation that relates to decision-making and leadership. Reiji's pretty easygoing and understanding which makes him a good listener.

Extra Info: 
>His father would compare him to a tree. (YEEE GO TREE BOI) 
>Reiji used to think that he was 1/2 tree and 1/2 human. (boi u need help-)
>Reiji actually doesn't eat sweets all the time because no allowance. (Hue-)
>He's always mentally crying and dying inside whenever he sees sweets but can't buy them. 

>Tatsuyuki, Naoki

RP Info: 
>Skype: keirasama1029
>Kik: kema_that_weirdo
>Kakaotalk: kemakappa
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945x845px 758.85 KB
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