[Doodle] The Plague DoctorsKellyNewbie on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/kellynewbie/art/Doodle-The-Plague-Doctors-642965682KellyNewbie

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[Doodle] The Plague Doctors



Doodles on a lined paper during art history class. (Guess I'm a bad student...:o (Eek) )
I just drew it thoughtlessly, then was surprised at the outcome because it was better than expected (for now..), so I decided to upload it. (Also I had a bit of regret thinking 'why did I drew this on a lined paper instead of my sketchbook?' Medic's Rage Intensifies (Chat Icon) )
Recently found about SCP-049, and also I really like the plague doctor design, so why not.

SCP-049 (right) from the SCP Foundation (and also from SCP Containment Breach (game))
(Usual) Plague Doctor (left) from my brain by studying and trying to mimic various Plague Doctor designs from the Internet by my own
Image size
455x459px 398.33 KB
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