Deidara- Back from the DeadKelleyArline on DeviantArt

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Deidara- Back from the Dead



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I tried out a more "painterly" style as opposed to the more "airbrushed" style that I'm accustomed to. I want to improve my digital and traditional painting skills. I also tried out a new technique of creating my palette. I like how it turned out. :)

~~Naruto Spoilers~~

I can't tell you how much I missed this guy! I was thrilled to see him back in action. :love: I especially loved seeing him interact with and fight the Tsuchikage.

I was disappointed, however, by how he and Sasori were so easily defeated. I do like the overall theme of "surpassing the previous generation" and "the young taking the mantle from the old," but I was hoping that the Akatsuki would always strike fear into the hearts of shinobi! Now, they're a joke. What happened to the Deidara that single-handedly took out the entire Sand Village and its Kazekage?! And since when did everyone know about Deidara's elemental weakness anyhow? I personally was hoping that the good guys would lose the first battle. I don't mind Sasori being redeemed, and honestly, I don't think he needed to be captured for that to happen. He probably would be willing to hear Kankuro out and would command a hothead like Deidara to back down until he did.

Anyway, of Deidara's reappearance, I'd say that I'm more pleased than displeased. I absolutely love how he insists that he killed Sasuke (which logically would have happened), and I missed seeing crazy faces like this: [link] I'm also glad that Deidara remains incapable of being reasoned with. I hope that Kishimoto NEVER tries to have him redeemed in any way like Sasori, Itachi, or Pain.
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963x1185px 1.16 MB
© 2011 - 2025 KelleyArline
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Hergman's avatar
unfortunately, knowing kishimoto, there is a high chance of emotion and redeeming