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A Timelord's Lament by sarapuffindude, literature

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Traditional Art
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (14)
My Bio

Current Residence: Texas
Favourite cartoon character: Inuyasha
Personal Quote: There are termites in my brain.

Tools of the Trade
Termites, Wacom Tablet, Corel Painter X, Photoshop CS2

Moving Accounts

0 min read
I&#039;m moving accounts.My new one is DragonStarArt :iconDragonStarArt:I will be moving my favorite pieces of art to the new account slowly, so anyone who wants to watch me there is not getting overwhelmed with repeats. This account will remain open, but not often updated, if ever.This move will mean that my website, etsy shop, tumblr, facebook page and deviantart all have the same name.
anonymous's avatar
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Finally made a fan page on facebook. Please like it if you enjoy my art!
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Started a blog. plan to upload sketches and doodles that I normally don’t upload here, as well as some of my favorite pieces that I have made.Also, I will review some of the art supplies I have used. Feel free to ask any questions about the supplies or techniques, and I will answer to the best of my abilities.Edit: I am setting a goal of a once a week update for now. That doesn&#039;t seem too ambitious for starting out.
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Profile Comments 58

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PiscesPassion's avatar
I love your art!! I cant beleive you drew this lo! its reaslly good!
AshesDust's avatar
Hello, I was looking at your work and your stuff is amazing :)
But I saw that you had a tutorial for Corel Painter Essentials 4 with the beach ball. It was super helpful btw. But I have a question. So I purchased it online from the actual site and it was working perfectly, but now for some reason, if its up too long or whatever, my whole entire brush drawer on the left side disappears and if I click on the brush to open it up again, it wont open up and won't do anything :( This has been happening for forever, and I cant do anything with it. Do you think you know what the problem can be? I'm just curious because no one has been able to help me
Kelesaii's avatar
Thank you for the compliment! :heart:
I'm sorry, I don't know much about computer issues.
I would uninstall and reinstall the program
or call the company and see if they have a help line.
Also it might be interacting with another program running
on your computer at the same time. If you normally run other
programs, try turning those off and see if it helps.
AshesDust's avatar
Its okay, yeea I've tried a few of those things, and nothing seems to work :/
But thank you anyways for your help :) <3
shy30chiba's avatar
excuse me, I'm sorry for bothering you. But my friend got Corel Painter Esssential 4. She has drawn pictures, but can't post them on Deviantart. Would you mind explaining to me how you posted your drawings on deviantart?
Kelesaii's avatar
First save your work as a .jpg file. Then read the instructions on the link below.
FAQ #79: How do I submit Artwork, Flash Animations or Literature?