Some days the ideas, the input, the plot bunnies, they outnumber the hours to produce them.
Current Residence: Massachusetts
Favourite genre of music: Soundtracks
Favourite cartoon character: The giant's wife
Thanks for faving!
Thanks for this llama badge. May I introduce myself to you or no?
You already did.
Thank you for the Faves.
Thank you for your Discworld tales - they are absolutely first class!
I stumbled across Diplomat I (and was enjoying it) then soon realised that there were stories before this with "history" so went back to check them in turn. The Necromancer & Bonded chapters are true to Sir Terry's style without being simple rewrites of his own work - the wordplay, imagination, and humour are a good blend between adopted mannerisms and original work - however, in Lapidiary, you've also captured his ability to write incredibly moving and emotional pieces.
I think I've caught up enough to carry on with Diplomat but will definitely be checking in from time to time to see your latest additions.