Keith-arts02's avatar


Bloop-Bloop! :P
465 Watchers36 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • Oct 26
  • Pakistan
  • Deviant for 8 years
  • He / Him
Fancy Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2052)
My Bio

I am just a 13-year old artist who enjoys PC Gaming and Drawing ^_^
Hope you enjoy your stay (^.^)/
I always use refs (・∀・)
Feel free to talk to me Hug
Feel free to check out my sister, She awesome! :iconkimberlychan-13:
Follow me on Instagram:


Favourite Books
Hamlet, Macbeth and pretty much all of Shakespeare's Plays
Favourite Writers
William Shakespeare
Favourite Games
Assassin's Creed, Dishonored, Prince of Persia, Hitman, Tomb Raider and more
Favourite Gaming Platform
PC, XBOX One, and PS4
Tools of the Trade
Colour Pencils, Shading Pencils and paper :P
Other Interests
Playing Piano
As you know that I started learning Illustrator. Now, Another good news... I opened my T-shirt store!!   I'll be selling T-shirts, hoodies and Mugs for all my graphic designs. So, It would mean a world to me if you would buy one.   If not, spread the...
anonymous's avatar
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Sorry for suddenly vanishing last month... got real busy with exams   Anyways, I'm back now and will start to reply and upload art again.. Yay!   I also learned Adobe Illustrator last week, so expect digital art soon!  
anonymous's avatar
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I'm finally back!!!! :happybounce: Now I'll be more active again *_* Got a 36 Polychromos set... Soo happy :dummy: Will upload a drawing made by it today :D
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 1.9K

anonymous's avatar
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faryba's avatar
Wishing you a very happy birthday, my dear.
May God make His heavenly face shine on you on this special day of yours and all the days of your life
Happy birthday ! by faryba  
LoonaticFoxE's avatar
Tasty (inktober day 25) by Howlingmist13  happy birthday 
stalker034's avatar
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Cake Cake Cake Cake Fancy Cake 50x50 icon Fancy Cake 50x50 icon Fancy Cake 50x50 icon Fancy Cake 50x50 icon Fancy Cake 50x50 icon Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Super Fantastic Golden Platter Cake 3D Fun cake Fun cake Fun cake Fun cake Fun cake Bad Piggies SC Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies SC Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies SC Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies SC Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies SC Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies 2dk Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies 2dk Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies 2dk Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies 2dk Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies 2dk Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies 2dk Cake with candles 50x50 icon Cake Icon Cake Icon Cake Icon Cake Icon Bow cake Bow cake Bow cake Bow cake Bow cake Pink bouncing cake Pink bouncing cake Pink bouncing cake Pink bouncing cake Pink bouncing cake kawaii cake kawaii cake kawaii cake kawaii cake kawaii cake Cake emoji Cake emoji Cake emoji Cake emoji Cake emoji Dark Chocolate Cake Type 3 with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 3 with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 3 with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 3 with candles 50x50 icon Dark Chocolate Cake Type 3 with candles 50x50 icon Orange White Cake with candles 50x50 icon Orange White Cake with candles 50x50 icon Orange White Cake with candles 50x50 icon Orange White Cake with candles 50x50 icon Orange White Cake with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Orange Cake Type 2 2Dk with candles 50x50 icon Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Strawberry Cream Cake with candles 50x50 icon Bad Piggies Double-decker Cake Type 2 50x50 icon Bad Piggies Double-decker Cake Type 2 50x50 icon Bad Piggies Double-decker Cake Type 2 50x50 icon Bad Piggies Double-decker Cake Type 2 50x50 icon Bad Piggies Double-decker Cake Type 2 50x50 icon Cherry Cake with candles 50x50 icon Cherry Cake with candles 50x50 icon Cherry Cake with candles 50x50 icon :happy birthday: :happy birthday: :happy birthday: :happy birthday: :happy birthday: :happy birthday: fella Gift (Party) fella Gift (Party) fella Gift (Party) fella Gift (Party) fella Gift (Party) fella Gift (Party) Blower fella (Party) Blower fella (Party) Blower fella (Party) Blower fella (Party) Blower fella (Party) Blower fella (Party) Blower fella (Party) 
KyuubiFan222's avatar
Happy Best Birthday!:3 My Dear Keith!:3

Happy Birthday!:3To!:3 You!:) (Smile) Happy Birthday!:3To!:3 You!:) (Smile) Happy Birthday!:3 Dear Keith!:3 HHHHHAAAAAPPPPPYYYYY BBBBBIIIIIRRRRRTTTTTHHHHHDDDDDAAAAAYYYYY!:3TTTTTOOOOO!:3 YYYYYOOOOO
Hey, I'm Andrea Show our games with a girlfriend, go in      Hey, I'm Andrea Show our games with a girlfriend, go in     
SimbasGuard's avatar