Keimoni's avatar


Keri or Kei or Keiness
38 Watchers106 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

  • Canada
  • Deviant for 20 years
  • She / Her
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (2)
My Bio

Current Residence: Nova Scotia, Canada
Favourite style of art: Realism.
Operating System: Windows xp
Shell of choice: A turtle? 0.o
Wallpaper of choice: I prefer paint over wallpaper. 0.o
Skin of choice: Mine?
Personal Quote: Expect the Unexpected

Favourite Visual Artist
i'm waiting and watching for you...-jaws music-
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Traditional simple as that and photoshop
Other Interests
Photography, Drawing, Animals.
IMPORTANT!!!I have switched accounts, and decided to keep this one on the side for the hilarious memories of how I use to draw.You can find my work now at :iconk-einess:Hope to see you there :3
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
so im attending the Nova Scotia college of Art and Design University otherwise known as crazy old art school.And its one hellovalot of work. I swear its going to kill me and turn me into a art zombie. Ill rant later as for now i must upload arts.I have a spiffyyyyy new tablet laptop, the lenovo thinkpad x61. Its quite awesome which means i also have photoshop again. -dances- So ill be getting pictures of my portfolio pieces up and some other arts and a few things i've done for my classes so far.:iconkeimoni::iconSpykk3: (tehe i made pixals. ^^)
anonymous's avatar
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1) Full Name: Keri Elsie Warren2) Male/Female: Female3) Were you named after anyone? Nope4) Does your name mean anything? Tons of stuff… Um. Dark and Mysteries being one that I remember.5) Nick Name(s): Online being Kei. Otherwise not much else besides the wife to the shay or the muscle –cough-6) What do you think you look like... name wise: Um….7) Date Of Birth: September 14/898) Place of Birth and Current Location: Newfoundland. I live in Nova Scotia now.9) Nationality: Apparently now I'm officially Native American or something like that. Tehe with her nice pale pale skin….10) Astrology Sign: Virgo11) Chinese Astrology Sign: Snake. –hiss...
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Profile Comments 62

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L3xil3in's avatar

Your great work is featured in my Fox Feature! <3
Hope you like it. :iconwtfomgdowant:

Frostwingwarriorcat's avatar
Hi! I love your work! I was wondering if you take requests? If so, could you draw my wolf Nova? Her ref sheet is in my gallery :gallery:

caligirl128's avatar
Hey! This is Cali #4197, from furry-paws, and this is a very random question, and I'm not really expecting an answer. :D haha.

Remember the tag you made, the one with the canine rolling on its back in the snow?

Welll, awhile ago, I bought one, and received it, and it became my favorite tag. I then proceeded to take a hiatus from FP. apparently i had forgotten to upload it to my photobucket, only tinypic, so i've lost it.

And I was wondering, if by any chance, that you still saved those tags in your album/computer?

If not, I completely understand :] just thought I'd give it a try!

Thanksssss - Cali #4197
Spykk3's avatar
Random loves cuz you need it even tho im talking to you on msn right now mwaaaaa :heart:
Emo-Wolves's avatar
heya, it's sample from furry-paws <3

I adore your art. like seriously. adore. xD

and wow, you live in canada?
awesoooome xD so do I. Only I live in Toronto, Ontario. But I may be going to Nova Scotia this summer <3
caligirl128's avatar
hey, it's Cali from FP. ^^