The FlashesKeh-ven on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

July 24, 2011
The Flashes by *klnothincomin has clean colors, strong and dynamic perspective with motion and well placed blurred area adds an electrifying viewing experience to this monumental scene.
Featured by Nyiana-sama
Keh-ven's avatar

The Flashes



I can't believe I've never drawn Minato. He's like, the most badass character ever.

/er...yeah of course Raikage is great too.

From chapter 542. I know they don't really fight that long, but I made it look more action packed :p

I might actually make a fanart weekly. It's fun : p

Naruto and Minato copyright Kishimoto

EDIT: corrected his eye and some other proportions that irked me...

EDIT2: omg I'm in shock at the moment. My first DD!! ;A;

I wouldn't have even known if :iconmazjojo: didn't congratulate me in an ealier message. o-o;

Thank you soooo much :iconnyiana-sama: for featuring me!!! ;A;

*goes on a thank you frenzy*
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2000x1400px 2.33 MB
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