The USA is currently trying to push multiple bills that is passed could practically destroy the internet as we know it and doom sites like DA, making encryption iligol, invoking mass internet censorship, and gutting privacy and secruaty protections.
For more info and to find out how you can help speck out against these bills see: as US congress is hoping to get meany of these bills passed into law before august.
Stop the SMART Copyright Act! [AKA SOPA 2022] by PCX-Art, journal
Stop the SMART Copyright Act! [AKA SOPA 2022]
The following quoted text from: Fight for the Future's event campaign website to stop this Bill. This bill was made by the same people who made SOPA, and pretty much just as bad.
URGENT: Congress is trying to sneak through copyright censorship filters
Anyone who creates content or streams online knows that copyright laws are broken and regularly abused. We get frivolous DMCA takedown notices, accounts suspended without warning, and videos demonetized—often without transparency or recourse.
Now, politicians are trying to sneak through the so-called “SMART Copyright Act,” a bill that would make all of this way worse by mandating automated censorship filters at nearly every layer of the Internet, from ISPs to streaming platforms. This won’t help artists or creators, it will just wreak havoc on free expression and line the pockets of companies like Disney and Amazon.
[Fight for the Future has] heard Congress is hoping to slip this
Source: the EFF
We live in a world that increasingly requires us to be online. The promise of all this technology was that barriers would be lowered, allowing more people to exercise their rights—especially rights related to speech. For those who work in securing rights for others, activists and journalists, for example, this has been an invaluable change.
However, that promise has been broken by the rise of a few unassailable companies. No longer does something replace Facebook the way Facebook replaced MySpace. Instead, Facebook buys Instagram and WhatsApp to prevent being replaced. And then being on Facebook stops being a choice, but a requirement for communicating with some segments of the population. It’s difficult to leave if those people are your friends and family, but it’s impossible if you are a small business who needs to reach a certain group of people.
If you can’t be found by a Google search, you might as well not exist. And if your app can’t get into an
Ever since you DA admins here banned :iconirenebelserion69: for standing up against Antifa, everyone in the Conservative community has been on high alert.Now, you've banned my good friend :iconFujin777: for exposing the SJW/Antifa agenda. That only sends out the message that Conservatives aren't welcome here and political-cartoons and artwork are ban-worthy. But what about the artwork that portrays messages of Anti-Trump, Anti-Christian, Anti-Semitism, and Anti-Americanism? They're ban-worthy as it promotes bad behavior, and yet they still remained upon this site.Take users who harassed :icon8TeamFriends8: by going as far as doxing her an...
How Antivaxxers sound (zombie apocalypse version) by Tnynfox, literature
How Antivaxxers sound (zombie apocalypse version)
I shot a zombie with my new AR but the recoil almost knocked me onto the deadly concrete wall. 20 minutes on the Safe Zone’s WiFi brought me to dozens of similar stories of “recoil injury”, “wall injury”, and “armor asphyxiation”. Now plenty of you will point out that such measures “prevent dismemberment” and you may be right, but after researching I decided it's just not worth such dangers. It is my choice to not risk myself falling on hard bunker walls or hitting myself with a machete. My choice to live free of such hazards to my body and health.
Please, we must stop forced supply drops. The greedy UN doesn't care who will be crushe...
A bad and terrible new!!!!!! by X-distroyer, journal
A bad and terrible new!!!!!!
To all my friends and allies that are against Article 13 I have a very very bad news. Check this out!!!!!! guys you have to see this new and also spread this to everybody quickly!!!!!!!
There are people liek You who would be glad to join forces with You, I suppose:… &… Together we're gonna save the Internet, along with neutraality, freedom and all of our rights around the whole world, so let's not give up until article 11/1 & 13/17 are deleated and destroyed!