:bulletyellow:Heeeeello my friends ♥ you know what? it's commissions time! oh yeah , i change the date ;u; (my PB needs food) wat xD .wowowow this time i really need the points, sorry for increase the prices (again) ;nnn;:bulletpink:anyway, would you like a chibi just like these?:bulletpink: :thumb332741694: :thumb330696190: :thumb327375116::bulletpurple: price : 50 :points: :bulletpurple: :thumb331064324: :thumb331880386: :bulletgreen:price: 75 :points: :bulletgreen: ( with transparent background :iconyoudontsay-plz: ) :iconcuterainbowplz::star: RULES :star: :iconcuterainbowplz:
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