Stephen Full Reference (OLD)Keeiran on DeviantArt

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Stephen Full Reference (OLD)




Stephen REALLY needed a new reference. In fact, all of my characters do. D: So I decided this will be my little project for the time being. And I'm hoping to revamp some of my older characters as well, cuz they need some love too. ;u; So anyways, here's a new ref with Stephen's uniform and his casual wear. c:

Name: Stephen (STEFF-en)
Age: 35
Height: 6' 5"
Occupation: Geneticist, also specializes in surgical procedures
Orientation: Aromantic Asexual
Loyalty: Empire (Loyalist)

Personality: Dark humored, cynical, anti-social and somewhat reclusive, uncaring about most things that don't involve his work.

Background: Grew up in New Asa-Bae (an island city on the opposite side of Irk from Capital City Irk) and studied to be a field medic there until his mid teens. He went into field work in the military as an active medic until he was 20 when he was accused and put to trial for treason against the Empire, little is known about the situation itself, but he was found not guilty. Despite this he was formerly discharged from the military (and not allowed to join ever again). He was then sent to study Bio-experimentation Sciences and excelled, from there he became a scientist in the field where he still works today. He currently lives in an apartment not far from his workplace in Capital City, Irk.

Side Notes: (may add more later)
-gets attacked by patients somewhat frequently so he knows how to defend himself pretty well though it often results in plenty of cuts and bruises
-not very agile 
-VERY anti-social and is uncomfortable in crowds, prefers to be solitary
-takes very good care of his dental hygiene (almost excessively) though he doesn't usually smile or show off his teeth in any way, is afraid of dentists and the like (he finds teeth disgusting) 
-is usually a pretty dislikable person unless you can prove to him that you are worth his time (even then he really isn't "nice" and very few are an exception)
-often has nightmares and has some troubles sleeping
-plays violin and piano in his free time
-enjoys reading 

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© 2015 - 2025 Keeiran
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Cow-Butt's avatar
Yooo, an aro character! Hecka! ARo REPRESENT! 
You made me (platonically) love Stephen about 1343% more, oh gosh.