Spiderman Colorskcspaghetti on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/kcspaghetti/art/Spiderman-Colors-351692727kcspaghetti

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kcspaghetti's avatar

Spiderman Colors



Pencils by :iconjonboy007007: ~Jonboy007007 [link]
Inks by :iconsupernoobinks: ~supernoobinks [link]
Colors by me :iconsmallesthing:

Ah sweet, feels good to not be pressure in a battle. Though I do enjoy them, sometimes it's nice to get away and work on something away from a challenge... Hope you like colors, huge credits to the Pencilist and inker

*Updated though the shadow on the face work well in the pencils and inks, and is seen throughout most Spiderman comics books. I have to agree with the comments below, I took them away though I'm am not a fan of messing with ink or pencils, sorry guys hope ya don't mind:S
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ComicChronicler's avatar
Love this picture.