Jonny in the SnowKBtheBearcat on DeviantArt

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Jonny in the Snow

Character  Jonathan Anderson 


I am dealing with some lovely ✨mood swings and overall sadness✨ right now and it’s worsening my already usual art insecurity, but I found a sketch I had sitting around for a while, which was supposed to be a redraw of this drawing from 2014, and I was able to have enough motivation to finish it.

Ready For Winter by KBtheBearcat
(Tbh I still sorta like this old one)

 I wanted to combat my negative feelings by redrawing something older to boost my confidence. It kinda helped… in the older drawing Jonathan still had hooman ears so I put earmuffs on him. But now that he has long pointy ones I have no idea how earmuffs would work now. I tried looking up refs or ideas for that but it was difficult to find something so specific I guess. 

✨💙Thank you for viewing💙✨

Art and Jonathan©️:iconkbthebearcat:

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Spirt-Mysteria's avatar

He just looks so sweet